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希望可以考出优异的成绩啦!I hope it can be true!

她以优异成绩毕业。She graduated with honors.

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我成绩优异。I was doing well academically.

月的考试中取得优异成绩!CPIM exams gain popularity in China!

你们在这所优异的大学求学。You’re here at this great university.

你的考试成绩优异。Your examination results are excellent.

对总成绩优异的班级进行奖励。To reward a total score of excellent class.

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当然,迈克尔和尤金娜以优异成绩通过了考试。Both Michael and Eugenia passed nonetheless.

她以优异成绩获得学位。She took her degree with first-class honour.

那么一个15个月大的孩子如何在面试中取得优异成绩呢?So how does a 15-month-old ace an interview?

最后希望大家在新的学年里取得优异的成绩。Finally, I hope that you all in the New Year.

佛兰克的大学成绩都很优异。Frank's scores in college were all excellent.

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记住,优异是一种明智的投资。Remeber that friendship is a wise investment.

预祝各代表队取得优异成绩!I wish each team to achieve excellent results!

具有优异的附着力与耐磨性良好。Of good adhesive force and washing resistance.

所有学生保送报考英国皇家音乐试,成绩优异。All students will be sent to ABRSM examination.

他以优异的成绩通过了入学考试。He passed the entrance exam with flying colors.

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杰克上星期在赛跑中以优异成绩获胜。Jack won the race last week with flying colors.

“SECA小红人”年终成绩特别优异!Outstanding achievements of "SECA Little Reds"!

具有纯PTFE优异的耐腐蚀性。Owns the top causticity-resistance of pure PTFE.