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约翰很贪玩。John is very playful.

你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。You naught monkey! Don't play any more.

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我们选了一只毛绒球一样贪玩的小灰猫。We picked a little, gray, playful ball of fur.

妈妈常跟我说不要太贪玩电脑游戏。Mom often asks me not to play computer games too much.

但是当我们在一起时,就是两个贪玩的小孩子。But when we were together, we were two little kids having fun.

他容易有推委的倾向,也比较懒惰和贪玩。He easily has the tendency Selection Committee, a lazy and fun.

布兰妮喜欢画画,安德森回忆说,梅隆尼很贪玩。Brittney enjoyed drawing, Anderson recalled. Melonie liked to play.

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孟轲慢慢长大了。但他非常贪玩,不爱读书学习。With growing up, Mengke paid his attention to playing but studying.

电影里的金发女郎往往看起来都很笨,或者贪玩。In films blondes are often assumed as being clueless or as having more fun.

天气开始转凉了唷!自己小心身体唷?书读的如何呢?别太贪玩了,知道吗?The weather began to turn cold! His body now? Read how? Don't play, you know?

早知道我当初不该贪玩现在被那些可恶的人类给抓了唉!!!Knew I should not have fun now by those who did evil to the captured human Alas! ! !

贪玩任性,自毁前途,初中为此付出了沉重的代价。Naughty capricious, self-destructive future, junior middle school paid a heavy price.

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鲍勃需要控制自己,不能再贪玩和浪费机会了。Bob needs to get himself together and stop messing around and wasting his opportunity.

万斯同由于贪玩,在宾客们面前丢了面子,从而遭到了宾客们的批评。Wan Sitong as a result of fun, the guests made him lose face, by the guests criticism.

但是,“路”也可能是顽皮、贪玩的孩子,他也会让人在可怕的迷宫中昏头转向。However, road can be a naughty child as well. He can also make you dizzy in a terrible maze.

只是贪玩参加这次比赛,希望各位手下留情,也希望大家支持我一下,投我一票,谢谢!Just join this competition, I hope you show mercy, hope everyone support me, vote for me. thx!

猪妈妈有三个孩子,老大和老二特别贪玩,而老三是只爱劳动的小猪。The hog mum had three children, the eldest were found of play, the youngest was a hard working.

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小刚是个贪玩、爱搞破坏的小男孩。他一回到家就放下书包,急匆匆地跑去玩了。Xiaogang is a fun, loving little boy sabotage. He would go home and lay down their bags, hastily Paoqu Wan has.

贪玩第一名,糊涂第一名,可爱第一名,勇于尝试第一名,心无城府第一名。Archer-----lark first love, silliness first, the first lovely, the courage to try first, a very subtle mind first.

我多么后悔在树林和田野浪费的时间,哪是俺本该好好学习和贪玩荒废了的日子。How I regretted the hours loafed away in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied.