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请再张大一些。A bit wider, please.

剩下他独自一个张大著嘴发呆。He was left alone and agape.

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请把嘴张大些。Open your mouth wider, please.

这张大地图怎么综合的呢?How comprehensive is this Big Map?

完整的人生让我们渐渐张大。Full of life so that we gradually Da.

换开这张大钞为小钞。Break this big bill into small change.

这幅画是张大千画的。The picture was painted by Zhang Daqian.

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‘我想在那张大球桌上打球,’我答道。I want to play on the big table.’ I replied.

兰塞的眼睛好象张大而发光了。Lanser's eyes seemed to grow large and bright.

发这个音时,嘴要张大。Open your mouth when you pronounce this sound.

张大你的嘴,大声发这个音.Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly.

我们六个人已把你那张大书桌搬上去了。Your huge desk has been humped up by six of us.

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我能够再次完整想像一下整张大图么?Can I just think again all about the big picture?

在动物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地望着大象。The children gaped at the big elephant in the zoo.

在动物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着大象。The children gaped at the big elephant in the zoo.

我们欢迎外籍教师张大伟先生来校任教。We would like to welcome David West to our school.

发这个音时,嘴要张大。Open your mouth wide when you pronounce this sound.

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我张大了嘴,猛吸了口气说,硝化甘油。I breathe with my mouth open and say, nitroglycerin.

在公共场所,张大嘴巴连连打呵欠,显示你极度厌倦。Yawn publicly with an open mouth, indicating boredom.

张大千是具有世界影响的中国画大师。Chang is a master of Chinese painting world influence.