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他飞跑着冲下山坡。He hared down the hill.

他们在草地上飞跑。They slide on the grass.

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那匹马突然飞跑起来。The horse struck a gallop.

他往大路上飞跑。He hared off down the road.

杀人流血他们的脚飞跑。Their feet are swift to shed blood

杰克沿着白色宽阔大道飞跑。Down the broad white road ran jack.

噢,我总是打着马飞跑下山的。Why, I always go down at full gallop.

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假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee

这些马都急不可耐地要飞跑起来。The horses were raring to have a gallop.

这女孩向她奶奶飞跑过去。The little girl flew to her grandmother.

白花飞跑出门,向他发出了警报。White Flower flew out of doors and warned him.

他一把抓过轮椅,推着她飞跑起来。He grabbed the wheelchair and pushed her along.

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于是芬兰女人就把格尔达抱到驯鹿的背上。它尽快地飞跑。Reindeer's back, and off he ran with all imaginable speed.

他睁开一只眼睛,看到一个小小的灰色影子飞跑过去。He opened one eye in time to see a tiny gray shadow whisk past.

乌塞恩·博尔特吼着冲出起跑线,加速飞跑就像一匹骏马。Usain Bolt roared out of the blocks, accelerating like a thoroughbred.

她朝他飞跑过来,猛地抱住他,紧紧地抱了一会儿,然后挥舞着信大声说。She flew to him, flung her arms round him for a moment, then waved the letter, crying.

一个苏打罐大小的机器人,可以用两个轮子飞跑,并把自己看到的东西录制下来。A soda-can sized robot that speeds around on two wheels taking video of everything it sees.

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随后,我从床上一跃而起,飞跑到浴室,奔到电话机边,给我的姐姐打去了电话。Then I sprang out of bed, flew to the bathroom and I raced to the phone and rang my sister.

猎人把枪瞄准了那只飞跑着的野兔,然后开火,但没打中…Hunters gun at the briefcase with the hare run swiftly, and then opened fire, but did not hit.

“不对,树上没有鸟了。枪响了,鸟都飞跑了。”大和尚解释。"There were no birds on the tree, after the gunshot, the birds run away. " The big monk explained.