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关键在于最后一个事件——普法战争。The key is the final event—the Franco- Prussian War.

斯科特麦克马洪和安普法夫都是肖像画艺术家。Scott McMahon and Anne Pfaff are both portrait artists.

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1870年,普鲁士赢得普法战争,阿尔萨斯继而划归德国。Germany took Alsace after the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.

本纳杰·威达普法官觉得这个问题需要司法裁决。Benaja Widdup felt that the point demanded judicial decision.

在我们的普法宣传中,什么口号用的最多?What kind of slogan have we used most in promoting knowledge of the laws?

与毕肖普法比较的结果显示了两种方法之间具有相当好的吻合性。The comparison with the Bishop method also shows good coincidence between these tow methods.

在这本书中司长布什普法的重点是生殖行为的很多雌性动物的典型。In this book Donald W. Pfaff focuses on a reproductive behavior typical of many female animals.

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普法战争后,法国一直努力恢复国家的国民经济。After the Franco-Prussian War, France has been working to restore the country's national economy.

商鞅的普法思想是其法治思想的重要内容之一。Shang Yangs thought on popularizing laws was one of the important contents of his legal thoughts.

第二个背景是普法战争,详情你们能从奇普·苏尔万的书中读到The second context is the Franco-Prussian War, which you can read about in Chip Sowerwine's book.

他们看到巴黎重建,在工业化的兴起,破坏了普法战争。They saw the rebuilding of Paris, the rise of industrialism, the ruin of the Franco-Prussian war.

布莱克威尔旅馆和普法尔会议中心提供客房服务,以及两个哥伦布餐厅。The Blackwell Inn and Pfahl Conference Center offers room service, as well as two Columbus restaurants.

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他只有7岁的时候,法国是由德国人在法普法战争1870年超支。He was only seven years old when France was overrun by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.

接着我见到了它,被田野包围着,周围是普法尔茨领地的油菜,小麦,葡萄园,还有普罗旺斯的薰衣草。Then I see it. It is surrounded by fields, rape or wheat or vines in the Palatinate, lavender in Provence.

这教堂是由移民普法和德国其他地区的改革信念。This church was founded by immigrants from the Palatinate and other German districts of the Reformed faith.

麦卡洛先生对于1870-1871年普法战争中巴黎被围困以及之后巴黎公社运动的描写,真可谓是神来之笔。His description of the 1870-71 siege of Paris and the subsequent nightmare of the Paris Commune is masterly.

在过去几年中,普法夫和他的同事们开玩笑除了电路的神经和激素调节前凸。In past years, Pfaff and his colleagues have teased apart the neural circuitry and hormonal regulation of lordosis.

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通过对条间力函数的合理选用,改进了边坡稳定性分析的毕肖普法,使该方法更为合理。By adopting inter-slice force function, the Bishop method for slope stability analysis has been improved and be more reasonable.

他说,自治区已组织专家进行相关翻译工作,这些普法读本将会很快传到当地群众手中。The region had organized experts to do the translation work and the booklets would soon be distributed to local people, he said.

诊所式法律教育的实践性、社会服务性及其普法功能,正是当今中国所需要的。The practicality, the function of social service and popularizing law of the clinical legal education are necessary in China now.