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内心超然并非漠然尘网!Inner detachment is not indifference!

罗兰夫人于是对后代的问题也冷淡漠然。Mme Roland is indifferent to posterity.

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又是雾霭沉沉。谁的梦是如此的漠然。It is a heavy mist. Who dreams are so indifferent.

而漠然的男人,才真真正正到达了爱的相反方向。But the indifference is really the antithesis of love.

日本年轻人对此特别漠然和迷惘。Young Japanese, in particular, feel apathy and bewilderment.

酋长玛丽娅?索,漠然地看着变化着的时代。The chief, Maria Suo, just watches the changing world coldly.

审判员当庭宣读了判决书,默里表情漠然。Murray appeared impassive as a court officer read the verdict.

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通常我们看到的饥民都是眼神漠然,腹部肿胀。Pictures of hunger usually show passive eyes and swollen bellies.

对于那些亲近和亲爱的人,我们喜欢愤怒胜于漠然。Concerning those who are near and dear, we prefer anger to indifference.

世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well wisher.

他和她生活在一起,对世界的一般价值漠然处之。He existed with her, entirely indifferent to the general values of the world.

流川花了一小会儿功夫才恢复他漠然的神情。A quick moment lapsed before Rukawa managed to recover his impassive expression.

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关于他们是否快乐、悲伤、愤怒或漠然,你从不需要猜测。You never have to guess as to whether they are happy, sad, angry or indifferent.

她对他的批评漠然处之,这加剧了他们之间的争吵,并使之升级为动手。Her indifference to his criticism fueled the argument and it escalated to a fight.

因此我们忙于种种琐事,几乎意识不到我们对待生活的漠然的态度。So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.

但是我们的任性,我们的倔强,然后就有了我们的漠然,和漠然背后的心伤。But our own, we stubbornness, then we have a cold and indifferent, behind the heart.

我的祖父漠然地袭击钉成员额和洪各种事情上。My grandfather nonchalantly pounded nails into posts and hung various things on them.

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相反,对农民问题视而不见或漠然处之,那就是贻误了中国最大的问题。On the contrary, despite the problem of farmer affects the problem of China adversely.

威德尔海豹是一种不同寻常的动物,对于人类的到来,它们看起来不仅不介意,甚至还有些漠然。They are an unusual animal, who neither seem to mind nor pay attention to human beings.

让腐败、专制、漠然和伪世俗主义见鬼去!Lets rid it from the evils of corruption, unaccountability, apathy and pseudo secularism.