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他是一个单眼皮的男孩。He is a single-eyelid boy.

秦海璐为自己特有的单眼皮也投了保险。Qin Hailu insured her particular single eyelid.

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怎样使单眼皮的眼镜变大?How to make the glasses of single-edged eyelid greatens ?

这个女人72年生的,以前是单眼皮,现在开成双眼皮了。The 72-year-old woman, used to be a single-edged eyelid, double-fold into the open now.

右下图可看出眼睑有明显的眼褶遮盖了上眼睫,造成所谓的单眼皮。The drawing on the left shows the pronounced epicanthic fold covering the upper eyelashes.

我爱上一个一只眼睛是单眼皮另外一只眼睛是双眼皮的女孩。I have fallen in love with a girl who has single eyelid with one eye and double eyelid with the other.

蔡老师不高,有着一头清新的短发,有一点胖,一双单眼皮的眼。CAI I teachers is not high, has a head of the fresh short hair, a little bit fat, a pair of folds eyes.

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就算原本的双眼皮都很可能因为松弛的眼皮被往下拉而变成单眼皮。Even if the original double-fold eyelid are likely to be for relaxation of eyelid is go down become folds.

事实上单眼皮的东方人的外貌对于欧洲人来说很必要。In actuality an Asian's single-eye-lid appearance is considered very essential in the eyes of the Westerners.

就算原本的双眼皮都很可能因为松弛的眼皮被往下拉而变成单眼皮。Even if the original double-fold eyelid are likely to be for relaxation of eyelid is go down and become folds.

对于具有薄单眼皮的年轻东方人,缝合式眼睑形成术是相当简易的双眼皮手术。One of the simplest way to create double fold in thin oriental eyelid for a young patient is the suture technique.

她的头发软且细,圆脸,单眼皮,左膝盖下10厘米处有个胎记。She has short, soft but thin hair, a round face with single-fold eyelids and a birthmark 10 cm below her left knee.

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不过,单眼皮的人先做双眼皮手术后,再文眼线,就可获得满意效果。However, people do double-fold single-edged eyelid surgery, and then text eyeliner, you can get satisfactory results.

所以即使天生是内双眼皮或是单眼皮女生,大多竭尽所能地让眼睛变大。So, even if born a girl within the double-fold or single fold, most of them do everything possible to make the eyes bigger.

不去做整形手术就能让单眼皮变双眼皮,最直接的方法就是利用双眼皮工具。Do not do plastic surgery will be able to make single eyelids become double-fold, the most direct way is to use double fold tool.

我弟弟是单眼皮,曾徒步横穿亚洲,我妈妈将此归结于常先生的遗传。My mother points to Mr. Chang to explain my younger brother's treks through Asia and the languid fold of her grandmother's eyelids.

我叫刘年,单眼皮女生,面色苍白,出生在风雪交加的冬天。I call Liu Nian, single-edged eyelid schoolgirl, complexion is cadaverous, be born in the winter that wind snow accompanies each other.

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我听说在上海、广州等不少地方凤凰沱茶图案上的凤凰都贵得分单眼皮双眼皮了。I heard that in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other patterns in many areas of Phoenix Phoenix Tuocha are your single-edged eyelid scoring a double-fold.

她的年纪接近退休,身高不到150,小眼睛,单眼皮,满脸皱褶,外加一嘴暴牙,要说不难看,一定是在骗你。Her close to retirement age, height less than 150, small eyes, single-edged eyelid, face wrinkles, plus a mouth, if not ugly, it is to deceive you.

她甚至没有恼怒的提到我的单眼皮,因为这可以通过外科手术矫正,就像其他香港的单眼皮演员一样。She didn't even bother to mention my single eyelids for these could be corrected by surgery, like many otherwise single eye-lidded stars in Hong Kong.