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我敢打赌我能在_日本_找到那个窑洞。I bet I can find that cave in Japan.

这种窑洞大雨时很容易倒塌。These caves collapse easily in heavy rains.

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你在这个窑洞里说的每一个字都发出回声。This cave echoes back every word you speak.

这种建筑也可称为“城市窑洞”式绿色建筑。It is also named green architecture of city cave-house.

云杉树屋是最早的有人游览的悬崖窑洞。Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit.

她曾在延安的窑洞里住过,并真正领悟了延安的奥秘所在。She lived in a Yan'an cave and caught the Yan'an Mystique.

很多房屋是建造在山脊上、层层叠叠的拱形窑洞。Many are vaulted cave homes built tier upon tier on ridges.

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窑洞有崖窑、地窑和箍窑三种。There are three kinds-cliff, ground and hoop cave dwellings.

主席在这间窑洞指导我们全党的工作。From this cave-room the chairman directed the work of our Party.

暴风雨把小屋冲坏,他们只好住在一个窑洞里。Thee storm having destroyed their hut, they had to live in a cave.

暴雨把房子冲坏了,他们只好住在一个窑洞里。The storm having destroyed their hut , they have to live in a cave.

延安人不知道从何时开始已住在窑洞里了。The people of Yenan have lived in cave houses since time out of mind.

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暴风雨把小屋冲坏,他们只好住在一个窑洞里。The storm destroyed the cottage, so they have to stay in a cave-house.

但是在北方黄土高原地区,依土崖挖成的窑洞仍很普遍。Cave-houses by cliffs were very common to see in the Northern plateaus.

坡上的一户窑洞内,传来小男孩哭泣的声音。Inside a cave dwelling on slope, transmit the sound that little boy cries.

党的干部每天长时间工作,吃的是粗茶淡饭,住的是冰冷的窑洞,点的是黯淡的油灯。Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.

杨家岭毛曾经住过5年的窑洞一直得到良好的保修。The cave at Yangjialing where Mao lived for five years has been well maintained.

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我们一起在老人住的窑洞外的一张低矮的石桌旁边坐下。We sat together at a low stone table outside the cave in which the old man lived.

云杉树屋是梅沙而第国家公园的第三大悬崖窑洞。Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park.

绝壁宫殿是梅沙而第和北美最大的悬崖窑洞。Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America.