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省道必须先折合剪。Darts must be folded out and cut.

二十市斤折合十公斤。This wool costs twenty yuan a Jin.

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达卡的兑换率约为一美元折合65.73达卡。The exchange rate is around 1 USD for 65.73 Taka.

镑乘以一百就折合成便士。To reduce pounds to pence you multiply by a hundred.

而此款神奇折合练习杆就是针对以上问题所专门设计的。This Flexi Practice Club is signed to solve above problems.

而在有关能量与里德伯常数的表达式中,采用折合质量确实是正确的。In energy formula, it is indeed correct to use the reduced mass.

根据现在的牌价,每100美元折合人民币683元。According to the present rate, 100 US dollars is equal to 683 yuan.

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能源品种均已折合为按等价值计算的吨标准煤。Energy types are converted into SCE calculated in terms of equal value.

最后的净收入非常好,折合11个IMP属于美国1队,最终的比分是43-24,澳大利亚获胜。The net was good for an 11-IMP gain and a final score of 43-24 for Australia.

这个饼干盒的原价折合到今天卖预估是100英镑。Its original cost is estimated to have been about 100 pounds in today's prices.

经济学家们估计,8月份折合成年率的预售屋销售量为440,000套,与上年同期持平。Economists estimate an annualized sales pace of 440,000 units, flat from a year earlier.

根据今天的兑换率,每一美元现金折合人平易近币8.32元。According to today's exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.32 yuan RMB.

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探讨了远程反舰导弹精度折合的直接推算方法。The direct calculation method of precision conversion of long range antiship missile is discussed.

本实用新型关于一种内藏折合式晾衣、晾毛巾等架。The utility model relates to a built-in folding airing clothing frame and airing towel frame, etc.

本实用新型公开了一种结构简单、运动可靠的自动折合的手推车。The utility model discloses an automatic folding handcart with simple structure and reliable motion.

文莱元的兑换率约是1美元折合1.65文莱元。It is also known as ringgit locally in Malay. The exchange rate is around 1 USD for 1.65 Brunei dollars.

此前,美国1月份成屋销售量折合成年率为489万套,创下自1999年有记录以来的最低水平。The rise comes after sales fell in January to a level of 4.89m – the lowest since records began in 1999.

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分子中具有红外活性的两个原子间的振动频率与化学键的力常数及折合质量有关。The vibrant frequency of carbonyl is concerned with the force constant and convert mass of the carbonyl.

我们都有一种想砸了这台机器的冲动,2000镑,折合人民币26000多元,抢钱呀!We all have a think smashed the machine impulse, 2000 pounds, equivalence renminbi 26000 yuan, rob money!

通过对其能量利用过程的分析,引入可用和折合的概念。Introduces the concepts of available anergy and reduced exergy by analysing the energy utilization process.