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厂商中立。Vendor neutrality.

网络中立或不?Net neutrality, or not?

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Flamingo试图保持中立。Flamingo tries to be neutral.

科研机构必须保持中立。Institutions have to be neutral.

他没有肤色歧视且性别中立。He is color blind and gender-neutral.

保持你的身体在一个中立的立场。Keep your body in a neutral position.

中立的表达方式是"心灵"The neutral term is going to be "Mind."

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有的国家宣布中立。Some of the nations declared neutrality.

戴中立派面具的人则没有引发任何过激反应。The neutral mask provoked little reaction.

对中立者而言这是一场赏心悦目的比赛。It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.

中立者就是李念国。Li Nianguo, my good friend, is in the middle.

他说,为什么不选择一些中立的字体?He said why don't we choose something neutral?

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在调子上,它对我似乎中立的和正确了。Tonally, it seemed neutral and accurate to me.

LDS教会说,这是在选举中保持中立。The LDS church says it is neutral in elections.

在此世间,你无法做到绝对的中立。You cannot be completely neutral in this world.

奥巴马先生也应该试图争取中立派的共和党。Mr Obama should also court centrist Republicans.

最大的中立派音乐零售商人在英国。The largest independent music retailer in the UK.

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就像我一个朋友所说的,那些威士忌佩利安,他们决定保持中立。As one of my friends says, "Those whiskey-palians.

圣马力诺在第二次世界大战中正式宣布中立。San Marino was officially neutral in World War II.

这种医疗中立绝对不能妥协。This medical neutrality must never be compromised.