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黛德打开房间的门,走到过道里。Dede opened the door to our room and stepped into the hallway.

她在离开房间之前,在可以转动的穿衣镜里看看她自己。She looked at herself in the cheval-glass before she left the room.

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天黑时用自动定时开关打开房间的灯。Use automatic timer-switches to turn your lights on when it gets dark.

这是公主打开房间窗子随手拍到的,曲径通幽。I made this photo when I opened the window, curving trail profounded the woods.

原来,上周成皓从夜店带了一个辣妹去开房间被偷拍到了。Originally, ChengHao last week from a night club with a spice candid to open room.

告诉孩子在离开房间时关掉所有的灯,以节约用电。Tell the boy to switch off all the lights as he leaves the room in order to save electricity.

为了打开房间内所有的灯,去每一个空间拉灯绳是必要的。To turn on all the lights in a room, it is necessary to go to each place and pull the strings.

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这是公主打开房间窗子随手拍到的,曲径通幽。怎样,可见环境之幽雅。I made this photo when I opened the window, curving trail profounded the woods. How beautiful ideal condition!

信以为真的小芳,按照蓝某的交代,多次开房间后蒙上眼睛等待“检查”。Believed the Xiaofang, according to an account of the blue, many times the room after the blindfold waiting for "checks. ""

在登记当天,他们可以收到一段带有房间号的文本,然后就可以通过这种RFID卡片自动打开房间的门。The day of their check-in, they are sent a text with their room number. The RFID card is programmed to open that door automatically.

打个比方,为了让小朋友抵挡棉花糖的诱惑,在离开房间前,Mischel教授会让小朋友用不同的角度来想象桌上的零食。So, for example, to help the children resist the treat, before leaving the room Mischel told the kids to imagine the treat in front of them differently.

电信和计算机使人们不离开房间就能够获得关于任何学科的数亿页的信息。Telecommunications and computers have led to the ability to access literally billions of pages of information on virtually any subject without ever even leaving your own home.

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当他虚弱得离不开房间甚至是不能迈动一步上楼时,他仍然可以在晚上重整精神看剧中的人们互相厮杀,然后弃尸于钉满木板的房子。When he became so weak he couldn't leave the house or even make it up the stairs, he could still rally for an evening of watching people kill one another and toss the bodies into boarded-up houses.