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我把拉拉尔夫拖到那里那里。I pulled Ralph over there.

你就没请杜拉拉喝一杯的时候?Mayn't I treat you as a lover?

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别给我剩的半半拉拉的。Don't give your left-overs to me.

我女朋友是拉拉队长。My girl friend is a cheer leader.

我女朋友是拉拉队长。My gril friend is a cheer leader.

拉拉是真正的大自然的女儿。Lala is a true daughter of nature.

拉拉能做哪些工作呢?What kind of work can Labradors do?

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对于狐狸红的拉拉也是如此。The same goes for "fox red" Labradors.

刘用力拉拉我的胳膊。Liu answered and pulling my arm hardly.

达拉拉球场总是给舍瓦带来好运。The Dall'Ara stadium brings Sheva luck.

拉拉在前面走,迪西在后面走。Lala walks ahead and dipsy walks at back.

沥沥拉拉弄了一桌子汤。The table is dripping with soup all over.

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你搞过金发的拉拉队员么?。You ever have sex with blond cheerleader?

这里可以看到亚拉拉特山美丽的全貌。A wonderful panorama of the Ararat valley.

于是拉拉让迪西坐在她的座位上。So Laa-Laa let Dipsy sit on her tubby seat.

你确定她真的是我们的拉拉队员?You're sure it was one of our cheerleaders?

拉拉容易出现哪些健康问题?What health problems are Labradors prone to?

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但有时确实能见到部分拉拉的鼻头是粉的。But I see some Labradors with a pinkish nose.

拉拉们笑得不行,几乎要瘫到地毯上去。They laugh half dead and nearly palsy to carpet.

而现在,拉拉和西本家住在一起,过着像是真正国王的生活。And this king penguin is really living like a king.