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只会选择不顺服神。It only chooses to disobey God.

顺服上帝才得真自由。Obedience to God is the key to freedom.

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一个是顽梗,另两个是顺服。One was obstinate , the others obedient.

若完全地顺服上帝,这福份将是何等地大!To full obedience how large the blessing!

感谢神,靠着我们的主耶稣基督就能脱离了这样看来,我以内心顺服神的律。I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

挪亚却没有,他全心全意地顺服神。Noah didn't. He obeyed God wholeheartedly.

但这是写给一个不顺服的教会。But this is written to a disobedient church.

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借着与主的联合,我们学习顺服。By doing obeisance we are learning obedience.

你必须顺服耶稣基督的主权。You must submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ.

女人要沉静学道,一味地顺服。Let a woman learn in silence with full submission.

女人要沉静学道,一味的顺服。Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

宗教的理则在于‘你只有顺服,才会被接纳。religion is 'if you obey, then you will be accepted'.

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女人要沉静学道,一味地顺服。A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.

信心,不可从悔改和顺服分开。Faith cannot be severed from repentance and obedience.

一次顺服的行为胜过百篇信息。One act of obedience is better than a hundred sermons.

他们在各种情况下,都顺服了圣灵的指引。In each situation, they obeyed the Spirit's promptings.

你们年幼的,也要顺服年长的。Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder.

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他不仅仅是一个听者,还是一个顺服他父意愿的行动者。He was not just a hearer but a doer of his Father's will.

若你真是在这时候才受到神的呼召,那我们当顺服。Certainly, if this is when God calls you, we have to obey.

亚伯兰顺服神,他因此大大蒙福,远超过他所想所求的。Abram obeyed, and he was blessed in ways he never imagined.