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突然间,有两个侍卫敲响了我家的门。Suddenly, two menknocked on my door.

但侍卫们却只当他在开玩笑。However, they just thought that he was joking.

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我找到一个告老还乡的侍卫。他给了我这个。I found a retired royal guard. He showed me this.

如果客人不喝酒,他就让侍卫把美人杀掉。If the guest does not drink, he let the guards to beauty.

宫廷侍卫发现汤姆目不转睛地盯着王子看,便将他逮捕。Palace guards saw Tom and arrested him for staring at the prince.

须臾侍卫首领便解散了那些士兵。After a few moments the captain of the guard dismissed the soldiers.

这是否是她的侍卫在她去世之后将武器留下来,想以此方式要继续保护她?Did her bodyguards leave the weapons to protect her in the afterlife?

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结果在半途中被发现,宙斯的侍卫们将海伦带回了神殿。However, she was caught on the way and taken back to the divine temple.

大刀世家传人齐昭曾是宣统皇帝御前侍卫。Broadsword family descendant JiZhao was xuantong emperor queen bodyguard.

侍卫!侍卫!要是你们不开门,我就砍你们的头!砍你们的头!GUARD! GUARD! If you don't open the door, You will be beheaded, BEHEADED!

国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately.

国王也把其半数侍卫军投入到城墙的防守中去了。TheKing has ordered half the number of guards he usually puts on the wall.

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而之前的帝国皇帝们只是把日耳曼人当成自己的私有侍卫,在他们看来日耳曼人不过是些妖物罢了。Early emperors kept Germans as their private bodyguards. They were bogeymen.

汤姆试图向侍卫解释自己只是个乡下孩子,而非王子。Tom tried to explain to the guards that he was a peasant boy, not the prince.

侍卫首领便示意我进那楼阁里去。Then the captain of the guard motioned me towards the entrance of the pavilion.

其中一个将侍卫首领拉到一边,低声耳语。One of them drew aside the captain of the guard, and in a low voice whispered to him.

他们再次返回到之前的大门,回答侍卫说他们是小偷,并且出去了。They again returned in the same gate and went out with replying that they were thieves.

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石太医向东坡透露安石已预料此事,要侍卫不要重打。Stone cure too much XiangDongPo revealed ashmore had expected it to guard dont retype it.

妻主,别罚侍卫,是我去抓螃蟹,螃蟹才夹我的。The wife lord don't punish a bodyguard, is that I grasp crab, the crab equitable clips mine.

厨艺展示,侍卫长和中尉几倍的接待,以及三道菜午餐的总价是378元人民币。For the cooking demo with the OG, JG, reception, and three-course lunch, the price is 378rmb.