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谢天谢地,我已经打破了一个紧箍咒。I am thankful to have broken a spell.

真有趣,听起来就像是三藏的紧箍咒。It is interesting. It seems that it's Tripitaka's Curse.

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紧箍咒顽固性的束缚,但是我的心疼痛当我试图打破他们。Obstinate are the trammels , but my heart aches when I try to break them.

这个紧箍咒并非局限于那些成就斐然的女孩,或是她们的外在追求。The curse is not confined to overachievers or to girls' external pursuits.

它有一套蒙骗、恐吓、胁迫群众的精神“紧箍咒”。It had a set of mental shackles to deceive, threaten and intimidate people.

这个紧箍咒并非局限于那些成就斐然的女孩,或是她们的外在追求。Thee curse is not confined to overachievers or to girls' external pursuits.

第一步就是要摆脱自己的紧箍咒,让你的愿望来说,费用全免。The first step is to rid yourself of inhibitions and let your desires run free.

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这紧箍咒源于整个文化对性别平等这一概念的迷惑不解。The curse is the product of a culture that remains confused about gender equality.

这紧箍咒源于整个文化对性别平等这一概念的迷惑不解。Thee curse is the product of a culture that remains confused about gender equality.

其次,就是不要让已经存在的标准成为你创新和发现的“紧箍咒”。Secondly, existent criteria must not be barriers of your innovation and exploration.

在投资者眼里,法案并没有清理任何腐败,它只是迫使企业戴上了紧箍咒。In the eyes of investors, it hasn't cleaned up any corruption, it has only forced companies to jump through hoops.

小说用“紧箍”象喻人间社会的各种制度法规,颇具意味。因此,“紧箍咒”成为一个文化符号。Jinguzhou is used in the novel to symbolize various rules and regulations in society, and thus it has become a cultural sign.

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很可惜,我们关于职业精神的观念像个紧箍咒一样束缚着我们的思想,以至于一些创业者都受其影响。And yet conventional ideas of professionalism have such an iron grip on our minds that even startup founders are affected by them.

但是英国的外交政策同样表明了,它意欲摆脱近十年来由于和美国保持“特殊关系”而套上的紧箍咒。But British foreign policy also shows signs of breaking free of the decades-long spell cast by the "special relationship" with America.

但是英国的外交政策同样表明了,它意欲摆脱近十年来由于和美国保持“特殊关系”而套上的紧箍咒。But British foreign policy also shows signs of breaking free of the decades-long spell cast by the “special relationship” with America.

无论公平与否,黑石股份成了一群本土外国人被华尔街狡猾的商人套上紧箍咒的代表。Fairly or not, the Blackstone stake has since become the symbol in China of a naive bunch of foreigners getting hooped by Wall Street sharpies.

唯一的希望就是大范围的经济衰退,正如二十世纪中叶的经济衰退迫使欧洲的资源消费水平成为了世界所有国家头顶上的紧箍咒。Massive economic recession that forces mid-twentieth century European resource consumption levels as a cap on all countries of the world is the only hope.

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这个数字可能过于武断,但是这不断被重复的“保八”给各地方政府上了道紧箍咒,让他们不敢轻易放松。The figure may be arbitrary, but the frequent repetition of the “Protect Eight” mantra sends a clear signal to local authorities that they cannot afford to slacken.

孙悟空虽然有降龙伏虎的本领,但是它还是有它害怕的东西,做人也应该有紧箍咒制约,这样我们才能慢慢成长起来的。Although Sun Wukong have jianglongfuhu ability, but it still has it is afraid of something, a man should also be a straitjacket control, so that we can grow up slowly.

食品可能引发的不仅仅有偏头痛,也包括紧张型头痛--感觉就像戴上“紧箍咒”,整个头部都疼。Migraine and Headache. Foods may trigger not only migraine but also tension type headache, which feels like tightening of a band around the head, making the whole head ache.