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我的传教士屹立异国之疆场!My missionaries in a foreign field.

疆场的景象令人毛骨悚然。The sight of the battlefield was horrible.

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我们的英雄疆场长眠。And our mightiest heroes lie stretched on the plains.

他们强迫你们去操练,限制你们地伙食&把你们当牲口看待,把你们推上疆场充任炮灰。Who drill you-diet you-treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.

为了我们,他们奔赴疆场,英勇捐躯,长眠于康科德、葛底斯堡、诺曼底和溪山。For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg, Normandy and Khe Sanh.

阿娣的本名叫刘招娣,60年代出世在洗疆场的山芭里。The book called her, LiuZhaoDi, 60 s was born in the mountain of the JiangChang wash parley.

瓦尔基里变成一只天鹅,将战死疆场的武士接回北欧神话的瓦尔哈拉殿堂。The Valkyries, in the guise of swans, bore their fallen heroes to the Valhalla of Norse mythology.

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可这世界,已不再是父亲驰骋的疆场,他的举动变得可笑落伍。However, this changed world was no longer the stage for her old father and his deeds became funnily obsolete.

对于士兵而言,他们要面对一个不幸的事实——在战争中,一定数量的士兵会战死疆场。One unfortunate aspect of being a soldier during a time of war is that a certain number of soldiers are killed.

人们向先烈们,尤其是那些为保卫祖国战死疆场的士兵们,默哀一分钟。A minute of silence is dedicated to the deceased, especially for soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation.

长顺将军的一生都是在疆场度过的,并为国家和百姓立下了显赫战功。Cheung Shun General's life are spent in the battlefields, and for the country and the people set a prominent Zhangong.

归根结底,这才是真正的英国生活,它,人们才去战争,才会血染疆场。And after all, this last is the real life of England, for the sake of which those wars were waged and bloody battles fought.

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天主所赐与他地,是卓尔非凡地才干,在疆场之上,这各种才能成为啦每一个仇敌地恶梦。God gives him, is Zhuo the uncommon ability, above the battlefield, this all sorts of abilities has become each enemy's nightmare.

部分原因是竞选捐款,但也存在社会压力的问题,因为政客疆场长时间与富人呆在一起。It's partly a matter of campaign contributions, but it's also a matter of social pressure, since politicians spend a lot of time hanging out with the wealthy.

在一场雅典人和其邻居,埃莱夫西斯的战争中,特勒斯在同胞的援助下击败了敌人,最后英勇地战死疆场In a battle between the Athenians and their neighbors near Eleusis he came to the assistance of his countrymen, routed the foe and died upon the field most gallantly.

在一场雅典人和其邻居,埃莱夫西斯的战争中,特勒斯在同胞的援助下击败了敌人,最后英勇地战死疆场。In a battle between the Athenians and their neighbors near Eleusis he came to the assistance of his countrymen, routed the foe and died upon the field most gallantly.

很年夜略在履行66命令之后,41军团结束了抵当残余呆板人步队的任务,然后撤离了卡西克疆场。It is likely that following the execution of the Order 66, the 41st completed its operations against the remaining droid forces, and then pulled out of the Kashyyyk theatre.

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商场如疆场,在这个没有硝烟的贸易社会中,企业要学会保存强大,需求学会合别人之力来开展本身。Shopping malls such as the battlefield, this did not smoke in the business community, enterprises must learn to survive stronger and need to learn he Renzhi Li set to develop itself.

同时,本人的家乡也是闻名的旅游城市,你不单能够去赤壁古疆场去感触感染一下汗青也能够去泡温泉放松身心。At the same time, my hometown is also an eminent tourist city. You can experience that period of history on the ancient battlefield of Chibi and take a hot spring bath to relax yourself.

凯瑞科特和伊班克斯将有机会迎来他们人生中最棒的十月,与科比-布莱恩特,保罗-加索尔,安德鲁-拜纳姆以及剩余的湖人球员们一起叱咤疆场。Caracter and Ebanks will get their chance against some of the world's best come October, when they'll take the court with Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, Andrew Bynum and the rest of the Lakers.