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孩子们总是喜欢追根问底。Children always love to dive to the bottom of a subject.

我们决定从头开始并对不了解的一切问题追根问底。We decided to start from scratch and question everything.

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保持一颗追根问底地心,不接受”现状“。Maintain an inquisitive mind and do not accept the status quo.

限制对敏感事件追根问底的举措在中国并不罕见。Efforts to limit scrutiny of embarrassing events isn't unusual in China.

他追根问底的探询质疑采访风格独树一帜,深受大众喜爱。His unique investigation and questioning interviewing style is greatly popular with large audience.

你有强烈的足够的眼睛和一颗追根问底地心发现数以百计的物体隐藏在每个场景吗?。Do you have a keen enough eye and an inquisitive mind to discover the hundreds of objects hidden in each scene?

他望着我,慈眉善目,一副准备追根问底的样子,我记得,这幅表情我在研讨班上就曾见识过的。He looked at me, good-natured and ready to pounce, and I remembered that I had noticed this look even in the seminar.

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女人也要追根问底了。黄道士的回答却总是躲躲闪闪。The young women were also determined to get to the bottom of the matter. Huang, the Priest, answered them all evasively.

这被描绘成了一桩鸡毛蒜皮的小事,只有某些愤世嫉俗,不知天高地厚,不掂掂自己斤两的美国人在那里执着的追根问底。This has been portrayed as a trivial matter being pursued by some cynical and uppity Americans who don’t know their place.

塞耶承认没有一家中国企业的运作独立于政府,“如果要追根问底,你总会找到军方或安全联系。Thayer acknowledges that no Chinese company operates independently of the government. "If you go up far enough you will find a military or a security connection," he says.