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野田佳彦是松下政经塾第一位执掌日本的校友。Mr Noda is the first Matsushita alumnus to lead Japan.

同时必须改变该地区的政经情况。It must also transform the region’s politics and economics.

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在当时特殊的政经环境与艺文潮流下,其风格特质的成因究竟何在?How did it happen in the special enviroment of politics and finansial and the trend of arts?

好像我们的基因都被重组了,整个美国的政经商界的灵魂都被感染了。America's entire political, financial and economic psyche is infected, as if our DNA has been rewired.

在这些政经因素没有根除的情况下,要改变现今日本派阀政治无异是缘木求鱼。This paper argues that if these factors are not eliminated, it will be very difficult to change Japanese politics.

我也许应该用20年代伦敦政经,咖啡时间的情形来描述远期利率I thought I would describe forward rates in terms of the coffee hour at The London School of Economics in the '20s.

随著当前政经环境的瞬息万变,企业须以高度弹性与快速反应为竞争的利器。In order to compete in the rapid changing political and economical fronts, corporations need to be highly flexible and decisive.

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早在1929年,美国一些重要的政经界人士组成公司开始着手建造大厦。In 1929, a corporation which included Alfred E. Smith and John Jacob Raskob, and others formed to construct the Empire State Building.

随后他又考入由松下集团创始人、商业大亨松下幸之助创办的松下政经塾。He then joined the Matsushita Institute of Government and Management, set up by Panasonic founder and business guru Konosuke Matsushita.

冷战后一些非洲国家政经形势的动荡更加制约了非洲的发展。The political turmoil of some African countries in the aftermath of the Cold War made the conditions for African development even worse.

中国的政经变革如此广泛,相形之下,令我所见到的这个充满活力地区的其他国家的改革显得微不足道.。The social and economic change are taking place there are so sweeping as to dwarf all others I see elsewhere in this dynamic part of the world.

此外,冷战后两岸在非洲的竞逐具有「旧冲突新逻辑」、「政经议题分离」及「进入低荡状态」三项特质及趋势。The case of Niger in 1992 initiated the two Chinas' post-Cold War diplomatic competition in Africa. However, both sides misjudged the situation.

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其次,在有线电视的架构上,虽然两岸分属两种不同的政经文化,但是在科技聚合下的传输系统,却同属于高频宽的特性。In the structure of cable TV in despite of the cross-strait individuality, the transmission media comprise wide band technique and digital contents.

此外,由于前原和野田都是松下政经塾出身,在党内基本属于一个派系。In addition, because the former are the original and Noda Panasonic political and private school background, the basic part of a faction in the party.

在对华政策层面,美日两国对中国都采取了政经分离的两面性政策,但在具体举措上存在一定差异。In regard to China, both US and Japan adopt the two-side policy for the distinction between politics and economy. But in detail, there are some differences.

中国当局与香港工商界所组成的「非神圣同盟」,具有相当稳固的政经基础。This article analysis the " unholy alliance" between the Chinese authorities and the Hong Kong business community, and considers that it has a strong foundation.

一九九一年俄罗斯继承苏联,并继续与南韩维系密切的政经关系,便迫切殷望汉城提供经济、投资合作,显现对朝鲜半岛重南轻北的政策。Russia inherited the Soviet Union's foreign obligations and international status in 1992, and continued to retain intense political-economic relations with South Korea.

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野田佳彦毕业于松下政经塾,这是松下电器创始人松下幸之助创立的培养未来政界和商界领袖的摇篮。Noda graduated from the Matsushita Institute for Government and Business, created by Panasonic founder Konosuke Matsushita to groom future political and business leaders.

一九九四年卢安达所发生的种族冲突及屠杀惨剧主要是源于历史的族群仇恨、政经权力结构的失衡以及殖民主义的政经控制。The 1994 Rwandan crisis resulted from historical ethnic conflicts, disequilibrium of politico-economical power structures, and influences of the European colonial countries.

国籍与效忠是个包含着国族神话、血统、共同历史与命运、公民身份以及政经权利等要素隐喻的丰富规范语言。Nationality and allegiance is a specification language including rich metaphorical elements with nation myth, ancestry, common history and destiny, citizenship and political rights.