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崁入式音质调整钮。Hiding knob of tone adjustment.

是立体声,可惜音质麻麻。Is it mono sound or stereo sound?

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他家的组合音响音质超棒!His hi-fi set has super acoustic quality.

您的电视是否有高音质设备?Is your TV now connected to a sound system?

由于具有高音质和低码速率的特点,G。Because of the high quality and low bit rate, G.

数位式的录音提供最好的音质。Digital recording offers the best sound quality.

典雅的外观,高清晰的语音音质,简单易用。Graceful outlook. Superior Voice Quality. Easy to use.

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高音质声音输出、内置麦克风和喇叭。High quality voice export with microphone and speaker.

她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality.

音质调节功能能满足各种听音环境。Tone adjustment can meet different audition environment.

自制的柳笛,音质非常好。The willow whistle he made himself has a pleasant timbre.

让我们为这个新款、高音质又买得起的便携播放器高呼万岁!Hurray for a new high quality yet affordable portable player!

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挺好听的一首英文歌,很抒情,音质不错。Good to hear an English song, very lyrical, good sound quality.

高音质来自IMainGo高输出钛扬声器。The big sound comes from iMainGo’s high-output titanium speakers.

激光唱片的特点之一就是音质纯净。One characteristic of compact discs we all can hear is dead sound.

心脏杂音可通过其强度,持续时间和音质等特征来分级。Heart murmurs can be graded as to intensity, duration, and quality.

高清晰听筒,使通话具有水晶般出色音质。High quality headphones which grant outstanding performance to call.

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一切都为了向我们展示它出色的音质效果。All having happend just wanted to show us the excellent sound quality.

我的原声带是一份拷贝的拷贝,你可以想象其音质。Mine was a copy of a copy though so you can imagine how it turned out.

共鸣赋予嗓音的音量和音质,并加强其响亮度。Resonance give volume and timbre to voice and strengthen its sonority.