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没有拖网渔船。There were no trawlers.

他们正在用拖网捕鳕。They are trawling for cod.

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但在海底,拖网捕鱼是很残酷的。But bottom trawling is brutal.

我与他一度同在一艘拖网船上工作。He and i were shipmates on a trawler once.

第四架飞机在一艘荷兰拖网渔船旁迫降。He and i were shipmates on a trawler once.

渔港里停泊着几艘拖网渔船。The fishmen hauled the fish into the boat.

拖网作业则可捕到200米甚至更深处的鳕鱼。Bottom trawling can target cod down to 200 meters or so.

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海鸥飞过法国拖网渔船克勒什号,爱尔兰,1984年。IRELAND—Seagulls fly past the French trawler Koros, 1984.

本发明用于双船底层拖网下纲。The method is applicable to foot lines of two-boat bottom trawls.

警察在河底用拖网打捞失踪男孩的尸体。The policemen are dragging the river for the body of the missing boy.

重锤式拖网取样器是对现行常规拖网的技术改进。Hammer dredge is a technical improvement of the existing dredge sampler.

用拖网捕鱼时,渔船拖着一个袋状的网,从海底兜网鱼类。In trawling, a fishing boat drags a bag-shaped net along the sea bottom.

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“费尔特里”号可算得上世界上第一艘尾拖网船了。The Fairtry was to be the first of many stern trawlers all over the world.

捕虾拖网渔业的特点是渔获组成多样性和渔获抛弃率高。Shrimp trawls are characterized by various catch species and high discard ratio.

石油公司可以在钻井之前先拖网分析地震数据。The oil industry uses supercomputers to trawl seismic data before drilling wells.

现时,在本港水域,已很难见到大鱼出现,底拖网所捕得的鱼类平均只重10克!The weight of our average local fish catch from trawling today is less than 10 gram.

太让人震惊了,他们看到大批的拖网渔船非法进入这一海域”,桑德拉说。They saw a large number of fishing trawlers entering the zone illegally, " Bessudo said.

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渔具任何用来捕捉鱼的工具,例如一支钓,拖网,刺网,鱼笼,矛等等。Any tools used to catch fish, such as hook and line, trawls, gill nets, traps , spears, etc.

论述了所研制的拖网绞机信息系统的基本原理和关键技术等。And discusses the basic theory and key techniques of the information system of trawl winches.

由于深海拖网捕捞是最近才出现的,所以它造成的损害目前还是有限的。Because deep sea trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited.