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我手头没有现钱,我没有现款。I have no cash in hand--I am out of cash.

工人们领到了用现钱支付的工资。The workers received their wages in cash.

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你是知道的,他会试着向我们要现钱。You know he'll try to hit us up for cash.

眼下公司缺少现钱。The company is short of cash at the moment.

我手头没有现钱,我没有现款。Eg. I have no cash in hand--I am out of cash.

这一回是现钱,酒要好。This time I have cash. Give me the good wine.

我以为用支票向邻居支款,同现钱一样。A draft upon my neighbour was to me the same as money.

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他提出做工来抵债,可是我更需要现钱。He offered to work out the debt, but I needed the money more.

对非洲来讲,不管怎样,公路修了、港口建了,只是没有现钱。Africa, for better and worse, gets roads and ports but no cash.

我没有现钱,您能找开一张五十元的旅行支票吗?I haven't got any cash. Can you change a fifty-dollar traveler's check?

那家伙卖好酸是出了名的,我很痛快地把现钱给了他。The guy had a reputation for selling good acid so I happily gave him my cash.

我干吗不能躲上个把礼拜,然后,从费金身上硬讨一笔现钱,跑到法国去?Why can't I lie by for a week or so, and, forcing blunt from Fagin, get abroad to France?

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另外一家手头确有现钱做交易的公司是乔恩•柯赛的老东家高盛集团。One firm that does have the cash on hand to do a deal is Corzine's old employer, Goldman Sachs.

你需要的钱往往比你想象的要多,筹到现钱花费的时间也比你想的要长。You almost always need more money than you think, and it takes longer than you think to raise real money.

她和其他一些前Google人比其他任何人都更了解互联网、更知道如何把广告变成现钱。She and the other ex-Googlers understand the Internet and how to turn ads into cash better than anyone else.

给股东发现钱,无论拖的时间有多长,正经是股票价值之所在。The distribution of cash to shareholders, however delayed, is the reason that stocks are worth anything at all.

由于亨利手中有一张百万英镑的钞票,因此他不必付现钱,要什么有什么。With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand, Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash.

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里面装着她的车票,一张写有她姐姐在凡·布仑街地址的小纸条,还有四块现钱。Containing her ticket, a scrap of paper with her sister'saddress in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money.

这时,除了那根银条和那些小玩意儿外,我们没有找到任何值钱的东西,而我们要的是现钱。In the meantime, we had found nothing of any value but the silver and the trinkets, and neither of these was in our way.

由于这位妇女一时拿不出所要求的现钱的数目作为救她孩子的回报,最后她眼睁睁地看着儿子淹死。As she could not pay for the given price to save her baby at that time, the woman cant help but watching her baby sinking to death.