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尸体下葬在那个公墓。The body was interred at that cemetery.

在他下葬的那天,我像个孩子一样痛哭流涕。At his grave today, I cried like a baby.

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当我们将他下葬合上了柳木棺盖。And when we buried him beneath the willow.

中国最后一位开国上将吕正操下葬。Last of New China's first generals cremated.

我希望下葬时右手握住一把餐叉。I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.

这位将军是以最隆重的军礼下葬。This general was buried with full military honors.

换句话说,“Martha阿姨下葬后会如何?“In other words,"Where is Aunt Martha at the funeral?"

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2004年,它的船员与军人的荣誉一起下葬。Its crew was interred with full military honors in 2004.

遗体等著下葬,还有一屋子家什待人清理。There's a body to be buried, a house full of stuff to get rid of.

耶弗他任以色列的士师六年,死后下葬在基列的一个城里。And after him Abdon the son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, judged Israel.

萨达姆·侯赛于今日在其位于伊拉克的出生地下葬。Saddam Hussein was buried today in the Iraqi town where he was born.

在她下葬之前,希斯克里夫最后一次见到了她的遗体。Heathcliff makes one last visit to see her body before she is buried.

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乔布斯死后并未进行尸体解剖,并于上周五下葬。No post-mortem examination was performed, and Jobs was buried on Friday.

这种方式使基地没办法以任何形式为他们被杀死的领导设立下葬圣地。The act denied al-Qaida any sort of burial shrine for their slain leader.

他命令她不得将他的遗体下葬,而是将它扔到广场的中央。He ordered her to cast his unburied body into the middle of the public square.

家驹于香港举行丧礼,遗体于将军澳华人永远坟场下葬,并在日本举行追悼会。KOMA hold the funeral rite in Hong Kong, and hold the memorial service in Japan.

据当地居民报告,无名水兵是穿着连衣裤工作服或是工装裤下葬的。According to local reports, the Unknown Sailor was buried in a boiler suit, or overalls.

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大多数心脏起搏器会在亡者下葬或在殡仪馆停灵结束火化之前取出。Most pacemakers removed before burial or cremations wind up in storage at funeral homes.

公墓是为制度化的下葬行为提供的场所。The public cemetery is for the institution the place which buries the behavior to provide.

冯•特拉普在春天时下葬于佛蒙特州的特拉普家族墓地。She will be buried in the spring at a cemetery at the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont.