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乘火车达到透风口找到柱状物体。Ride the train to the ventilation shaft.

我能打开窗口,给房间通透风吗?Dan I open the window and air out the room?

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它们那样苍老坚定几乎密不透风。So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze.

切尔西密不透风的防守一去不复返The days of Chelsea's stingy defence are long gone

这么多人牵涉其中,世上哪有不透风的墙,所以媒体知道了也不足为奇。So it is more than easy for the media to know the news.

我生活在一个密不透风的玻璃小屋中。I am sealed in a cottage of glass that is completely airtight.

没有不透风的墙,没有不能上吊的梁。No leak of the walls, no can't commit suicide by hanging of beam.

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厨房和卫生间的渗水和透风如何解决?Kitchen and bathroom ventilation, water seepage , and how to solve?

毕竟人的嘴巴,总有一条透风的缝。After all, people's mouths, there is always one to take the air slit.

酒店里还有一个莲花池塘,墨绿色的水面几乎被荷叶覆盖得密不透风。Hotel has a lotus pond, green water lotus leaf was almost covering jammed.

开孔率大,因而透风性、脱水性佳。Aperture can be incerased for high air permeability and Hydration capacity.

在他们面前,把自己的缺点不透风地包裹起来。In front of them to their own shortcomings and do not ventilate wrapped up.

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躺在透风的飞机地板上,根本无法让身体暖和起来。Lying on the drafty floor of the airplane, there was no way to warm myself.

如果门窗紧闭,密不透风,不及3小时。If the windows and doors shut tightly, airtight, is inferior to for 3 hours.

很快让开的那条道路又被混混们围得密不透风。Soon get out of the way of the road is surrounded close windtight gangsters.

有风门的自然透风排气装置应装在控制间。The natural ventilation exhaust with damper to be provided for control room.

这些细胞只有密不透风,才足以形成一道屏障This cell can only be an effective barrier if there's no way to get past it.

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穿着不透风的化纤内裤情况会更糟。Circumstance of briefs of dress windtight chemical fibber is met more flooey.

麻木的灵魂把自己一层一层的包裹,像是一张密不透风的网一丝不漏的罩住我的青春。Numbness of the soul to their layers of parcels, like a tight nets a drain on my youth.

公司内部的法律部门昔日曾被视为密不透风的黑箱,如今这个黑箱已被开启。The internal legal function, once seen as an impenetrable black box, has been opened up.