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我去垦丁附近远足。I go hiking near Kenting.

我加入了他们的远足。I joined their excursion.

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远足时要轻装上阵。When traveling, pack light.

乔和特雷弗一起远足。Joe and Trever hike together.

你觉得这种远足有什么好处?Can you see any benefit to that?

这个小组叫做伯克利户外远足俱乐部。It's Cal Hiking Outdoor Society.

没有中我目下现古也很少远足了。I don't hike a whole lot anymore.

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那次远足几乎要了她的命。The long hike nearly did for her.

到处都有远足的道路。You got hiking trails everywhere,

他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?B. Sarah likes doing word puzzles.

天!远足之后我可真累惨了。God! I am dog-tired after the hike.

远足的旅客们挤在一辆大客车里。Excursionists packed into a big bus.

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邀请她徒步远足或者骑自行车。Invite her on a hike or a bike ride.

我们一起去远足或是骑脚车好吗?Why don't we go hiking or bicycling?

我与家人或朋友一起远足。I go on hikes with family or friends.

我看这回还真得远足了。It'll be a really long hike this time.

春天是远足者们最好的时光。Spring is the best time for excursionists.

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我们在一个秋高气爽的日子去远足了。We went for an outing on a crisp fall day.

为了周末的远足,他买了一辆摩托车。For weekend jaunts, he bought a motorcycle.

你可以远足或驾车穿过公园到达那里。You can hike there or drive through the park.