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噢,轰掉雪山的那个小兵!The soldier from the mountains!

那就是我所说的西岭雪山。That I am talking about Xiling Xueshan.

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这是我们到达的第一站。你看,雪山就在我的正后方。Here's just the mountainside, so have less snow.

我在玉龙雪山上被冻僵了。I was frozen solid by the snow on Yulong Mountain.

我们要参观的最后一个地方是玉龙雪山。The last place we'll visit is Yulong Snowmountain.

在这个大雪山的山脚有一个的古怪村。The foot of big snow mountain has a Strange Village.

你可以看到冬季的雪山山脉。You can see the Snow Capped Mountains in the winter.

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再见了,神秘美丽的玉龙雪山!Bye-bye, mysterious, beautiful Jade Dragon Snow Mount!

这里是雪山朝拜太阳的地方。Here is the snow-capped mountains where the sun worship.

中国工农红军也曾在这里的雪山草地里书写壮举。The Red Army men once wrote down their heroic feat here.

上图中是喀布尔的轮廓图和兴都库什山脉的雪山。Above, the Kabul skyline and the peaks of the Hindu Kush.

乌云散尽,雪山依然圣洁。Dark clouds of the sky, snow-capped mountains still holy.

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玉龙山的变化无穷,其美元比,堪居云南诸雪山之首。Jade dragon mountain, the dollar than in yunnan, the snow.

吃过团年饭,我踏上了前往雪山的旅途。After reunion dinner, we started our snow mountain journey!

一处古代墓地,远处的雪山是亚拉拉特山。An ancient cemetery and a white top of Ararat on the right.

从雪山上滑下来好像乐趣不少。It looks like a lot of fun to slide down a mountain of snow.

现在,甚至到汉区的藏僧,都带著雪山狮子旗。Today even Tibetan monks in Chinese areas carry Tibetan flags.

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雄鹰振翅翱长空,雪山绵延可及天。Eagle wings Ao sky, snow-capped mountains and days can stretch.

雪山和蓝天交相辉映,分外美丽。The snow mountains look extremely elegant against the blue sky.

我爱玉龙雪山之旅,我永远都不会忘记它。I loved my trip to the Yu Long Mountain. I will never forget it!