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什么是寿命表What is a life table?

心情开朗寿命长!A light heart live long!

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女王母亲的寿命长达101岁。Her mother lived to be 101.

使用寿命长机械效率高。Long lasting, Hi-Efficiency.

其在轨工作寿命为15年。The in-orbit life of 15 years.

耐磨损,使用寿命长。Wear-proof, long service life.

母羚羊的寿命是12年。Lechwe live for up to 12 years.

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寒带地区的人寿命较长。People in cold areas live longer.

我还有一天寿命吗?没有。Do I stil have one-day's life? No.

铍铜压射冲头的使用寿命是球铁压射冲头的2。The life of the BeCu plunger is 2.

动物的寿命大约是十亿次心跳的时间。A lifespan is a billion heartbeats.

产卵后亲鱼死亡,寿命仅壹年。The parent fish die after spawning.

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寿命长,设计寿命在40000小时以上。Usage life is more than 40000 hours.

发光效率高,耗电少,寿命持久。High luminant efficiency , long life.

含有杀菌剂以延长切削液使用寿命。Contains biocide to extend fluid life.

延长料管和柱塞头的使用寿命。Prolong the material tube life in use.

轴承寿命可达600小时以上。The service life will be over 600 hrs.

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厚度1mm以上,使用寿命8年以上。Over 8 years, if thickness is over 1mm.

阎王说,我的寿命有七十八岁。Yama said, I have seventy-year-old life.

笑延长寿命。Laughter prolongs the life span of a man.