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告价格细目表及发货条件。Pls. adv. price breakdown and delivery term.

你能逐项列出账单上的细目吗?Would you particularize the items on the bill?

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这些都是负责编制细目表的人的错。It is the fault of those in charge of the inventory.

提议的细目尚未披露。Details of the proposal have not yet been made public.

我们能够把这个问题分解成更基本的细目。We can resolve the problem into more elementary items.

我们想讨论合同的各项细目,特别是差异和索赔。We'd like to discuss the details of the contract, especially discrepancy and claim.

图书和借书者的细目则分别记录在80列卡片和证件上。Book and borrower details are recorded on to 80-column cards and badges respectively.

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伦敦奥组委表示,一旦所有的门票都已售罄,他们将出示给我们一个售票的分类细目。Locog say that once all the tickets have been sold, then they will give us a breakdown.

其他细目在无线电台站的第一套节目的海事专题中说明。Breakdown of other radio stations in the first set of topics described in the Marine program.

使用这个方法可以为OLAP数据源清空视图,或为表列数据源将所有字段放置在细目区域中。Use this method to clear the view for an OLAP data source or to put all fields in the detail area for a tabular source.

需求以后应该成为所选择的用户群体需要的特性和功能的细目清单。Requirements should be what later will become the laundry list of features and functions desired for the chosen user communities.

未在其间或最后提出的支付任何这种工作的费用或支出的要求将被认为没有包括在这种细目之中。No final or interim claim for payment for any such work or expense will be considered which has not been included in such particulars.

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发给本人提早清还上述楼宇按揭贷款户口之所需开支细目寄予本人楼宇按揭的通讯地址。Provide breakdown of the early redemption figure for the above mentioned Mortgage Loan Account and send it to my correspondence address.

除此之外,教师还应当设计阅读细目作为补充,为收集信息提供更加结构化的方法。These methods should be supplemented by a teacher-made reading inventory which provides a more structured approach to information-gathering.

这一评估结果,包括您的总排放量的细目就如何减少这些排放量以及建议。Outcomes of this assessment include a detailed breakdown of your total emissions as well as recommendations on how to reduce these emissions.

这些琐事当然需要解决,然而,当他们积累起来之后,他们似乎看起来像一座大山而不仅仅是一张细目清单。These things still need to be done, however, and when they're allowed to accumulate they tend to look more like a mountain than a laundry list.

氨基酸也发挥了重要作用,防止肌肉分解细目的蛋白质,这有助于重建后肌肉组织的工作。Amino acids also play a key role in preventing catabolic breakdown of muscle proteins, which help to rebuild muscle tissue after intensive exercise.

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经历并享受此安息日的意义,比起被塔木德的细目所烧尽更为重要,也更有益处。Experiencing and enjoying this eschatological significance of the Sabbath is far more important, and beneficial, than becoming consumed with Talmudic details.

鉴定文书中应当有被害人正面免冠照片及其人体需要鉴定的所有损伤部位的细目照片。A bareheaded and full-faced photo of the victim as well as the relevant pictures that detail the injured parts shall be enclosed in the authentication documents.

公路工程的投标报价不等于工程概预算,它是通过概预算方法工程细目的预期单价和费用,进而预测建设项目成本和在此基础上的利润。The biding quotation method is researched in detail so as to put forward a perfect method which is helpful for the subsist and development of the construction cooperation.