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一个鱼钩?A fishhook?

把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上作为钓饵。Bait your hook with a worm.

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我现在还有那根鱼钩,“他说。"I have the gaff now, " he said.

然后我卖了他一个中等鱼钩。Then I sold him a medium fishhook.

最后他猛拉钓丝把鱼钩给稳住了。At last he struck to settle the hook.

小张在鱼钩上插上香饵,想要钓条大鱼。Xiao Zhang uses bait to attract big fish.

鱼钩上都有一个倒钩以防上了钩的鱼逃走。A barbed metal hook used for catching fish.

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可是,巴斯并没有碰到鱼钩。However, Bassy did not even touch the hook.

一条小金枪鱼咬住了他艉缆上的鱼钩。A small one took the hook on his stern line.

他的妻子用鱼钩捕鱼采娱乐。His wife caught fish with fishhooks for fun.

我看见她眉头皱得像只鱼钩。I caught the edge of her frown like a fishhook.

大鱼就用特制的鱼钩钩住。The bigger ones get hooked with a special gaff.

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萨姆满脸笑容,被克莱赫德的蜘蛛型鱼钩深深吸引。Sam was beaming, caught deep in Craighead's web.

在对话框之后,你的鱼钩就可以使用了。Your fishing-rod is ready to use after this dialog.

我准备好了鱼饵,将它吊在了鱼钩上。I am ready for a bait, it will be hanging on a hook.

他脱下了鱼钩,把鱼扔回水中。He removed the hook, and threw it back into the water.

他们捕获的鱼的鱼叉,鱼钩,鱼网,和陷阱。They caught fish with harpoons, hooks, nets, and traps.

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我可以用鱼钩去把它钩过来,坐在这儿舒舒服服地吃掉它。I can reach it with the gaff and eat it here in comfort.

我可以用鱼钩把它钓过来,在这儿舒舒服服地吃。I can reach him with the gaff and eat him here in comfort.

他在鱼钩上挂上用蚯蚓制成的鱼食做诱饵。He is baiting the fish hook with bait made from earthworms.