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我认为他们浮报了开销。I think they padded the bill.

最大的开销是隐藏的。The biggest costs were hidden.

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一切费用都已经开销了。All expenses have been paid up.

如果你开销过大,那么立刻停止。If you are over-spending, stop.

连接的吞吐量时间开销。Throughput timings of connections.

尽量减少簿记开销。Minimize the book-keeping overhead.

不过,代理增加了一些开销。Still, proxying adds some overhead.

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我的开销已经超出底限了。I have already spent beyond my limit.

最大限度减少数据和页面大小开销Minimize data- and page-size overhead

最小化数据大小和页面大小开销。Minimize data- and page-size overhead.

但这些还不够来支撑一个家庭的开销。But it’s not enough to support a family.

这样还可以减少执行时的开销。This also reduces overhead at execution time.

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通过使用原始设备将减少此开销。By using raw devices this overhead is reduced.

你在管理开销中有什么好窍门吗?What tricks do you have to manage your spending?

每个月在娱乐活动方面有多少开销呢?How much do you spend on entertainment per-month?

这就是分析器的性能开销。That was the performance overhead of the profiler.

保险开销超过其收入8倍.Insurance costs are outpacing income by eight-fold.

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进程外调用的序列化开销。Serialization overhead for the out-of-process call.

整个社会承担了污染造成的开销,以及浪费时间带来的损失。Society bears the costs of pollution and wasted time.

这是一份以时间表为依据的开销计划。This will show the planned spend against a timescale.