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寂静的天宫,清冷。Silent Temple, chilly.

像大闹天宫似的。Havoc in Heaven, as if.

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他进了蟠桃园尽情的吃桃子,他把天宫的房子都弄得乱七八糟。He makes a mess in each room in heaven.

他是天宫一号空间站的设计师。He is the designer of the Tiangong-1 Space Station.

天宫二号发射时,电视进行了现场直播。The Tiangong-2 launch was telecast live on state TV.

你玩过天宫图或通灵游戏吗?Have you ever played with horoscopes or Ouija boards?

裘口哨吹得呼呼响,正在大闹天宫似地作准备。Jo would whistle and made a great racket getting ready.

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在2015,中国计划发射天宫2号以进入空间站地第二阶段。In 2015 it aims to launch Tiangong-2, the station's second phase.

天宫图上的植物没有一种被以为是呆笨的或貌寝的或凶险的。No animwouls of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.

再请看这是洞府天宫中的欢乐村。Look at this happy village in the heavenly palace of the cave world.

哦,那是一场保留剧目,名叫“大闹天宫”。Oh, it's a reserved opera named "The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven".

叫他来的时候穿上天宫里的全套华美礼服。Ask him to come arrayed in all his splendors , such as he wears in Heaven.

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国王把格雷特尔扶上腾跃着的马,他们骑马向天宫走去。The King lifted Gretel on to his prancing horse and they rode to his palace.

一架水塔伸向一边,它身上破烂的石块装饰着天宫图的标记。A water tower rose to one side, its tattered stone adorned with a zodiac sign.

这之后,神舟八号将再次与天宫脱离,这次是永久脱离。When that time is up, Shenzhou 8 will unhook itself again, this time for good.

中国近日将发射天宫一号空间实验室。China is expected to launch its Tiangong 1 space laboratory in the coming days.

朱庇特唯恐用火烧会危及天宫本身,就决定用洪水淹没地球,转瞬间洪水就把地球上的人和他们的财物席卷而去。Speedily the race of mean and their possessions, were swept away by the deluge.

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大闹天宫后,孙悟空遭擒拿被打入八卦炉冶炼。After the havoc in heaven monkey king is captured and sealed in a magic furnace.

天宫仅仅是组成中国广大的空间探测项目的冰山一角。The Tiangong-1 is an essential step toward the goal of building a space station.

作为中国在太空中茕茕孑立的符号,天宫一号的寿命也很有限。Tiangong-1, a mark of China's isolation in space, also has a temporary lifespan.