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而我听说一旦被熏烤之后处境就更庞杂。I hear it gets even more complicgotd once they're smoked.

他们要从大量庞杂的证据中推断事实。They should evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.

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过分承诺自己的时间也会引起日程庞杂混乱。Overpromising your time is one way to clutter up your schedule.

中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。The government office of feudal China is a very complex system.

我被敏捷庞杂的性别与年龄索引引诱住了。Inom perplexed by the flexible complex index of sex which includege.

大的汽车生产商由于管理繁琐,人员庞杂而裹脚不前。The big automakers are bogged down by excessive management and staff.

看着别人受苦是令人痛楚的,何况题目又如此庞杂,我们根底不知道如何去助理别人。It's hard to lookat suffering if the situ is so complex that we don't know howto help.

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当然,因为经济力量庞杂的干涉,所有的这些都没什么作用。None of this will work, of course, because of the overwhelming economic forces involved.

这部自动机的庞杂使马亚二代的建构与测试成为一大挑战。The sheer size of this automaton made building and testing MAYA-II an enormous challenge.

与庞大的电梯使用市场相对应的,是同样庞杂的电梯维保单位。According to the huge elevator using market, the elevator maintenance unites are numerous.

在日常练习中,要学会在庞杂多变的作战形式下穷困定下决定。In routine training you learn to make difficult decisions in complex combasebhasl bat situs.

汉简内容极其庞杂,涉及文书、簿册、器物、经籍、簿检、计簿、信札、历谱等多方面。The content of Han Bamboo slips contain many aspects, such as documents, letters, utensils and so on.

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我知道,您的任务是世界上最艰巨,也是最庞杂的。I am er, Jimmy Florcruz with CNN. Premier Wen, er, you have the biggest and toughest jobs in the world.

本质细胞,或称肝细胞组成了器官的大体,并进行庞杂的代谢进程。Liver cells, or hepatocytes, comprise the bulk of the organ, which carry out complex metabolic processes.

这里得到的教训是要包装你页面的栏目信息时,小心内容信息过于庞杂。The lesson here is to be careful of packing a single area of your page too full of disparate information.

“新建一座项目是件庞杂而艰巨的任务,”张工介绍道,“但每当看到自己建造的风机开始运作的时候,我感到由衷地高兴。"It's tough building a new project," says Zhang. "But when I see my wind turbines turning, I feel very happy.

长期以来,高校网络信息管理难度较大,而其中最棘手的莫过于BBS网站的管理。因为BBS上信息庞杂,交互性强,难免泥沙俱下。For a long time, the BBS management has been a knotty problem in the university internet information management.

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后现代主义是一种汇集了多种文化、哲学、艺术流派的庞杂思潮。The postmodernism is a complicated trend of thought including many cultural, philosophical and artistic schools.

它只有270平方英里,比起世界第一所国家公园黄石公园那样的庞杂的公园来,显得很小巧。At 270 square miles, it's small compared to sprawling parks such as Yellowstone, the world's first national park.

多年来,很多庞杂的种子库网络一直以随意的方式收集种子和苗芽。For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections in a haphazard manner.