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谁将接替他的职位?Who will succeed his post?

尚不清楚谁将接替房利美的艾利森。It isn't clear who would succeed Mr.

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他离开以后,她接替了他的工作。She took over the job after he left.

门罗接替麦迪逊当上总统。Monroe followed Madison as president.

可能他将接替市长的职位。Probably he will succeed to the mayoralty.

目前还不清楚谁将接替奥德松。It isn't clear who will succeed Mr. Oddsson.

他可能接替汤姆任经理。Probably he will succeed Tom as our manager.

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我将在我们部门接替你的工作。I will take over your work in our department.

可能达夫要接替他当厂长。Probably Daff will succeed to him as director.

它要是坏了或丢了,我会再找一个来接替它吗?Would I replace it if it were broken or lost ?

他不久就接替霞飞担任总司令职务。He soon succeeded joffre as commander-in-chief.

但是公司没有做出接替李旭晖的人事任命。The company did not name a replacement for Lee.

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我昨天雇了帕特里夏。吴来接替她的工作。I hired Patricia Woo to take her place yesterday.

可能中密斯先生将接替市长的职位。Probably Mr. Smith will succeed to the mayoralty.

国王任命他接替谋臣的职位。The king appointed him to the adviser's position.

温安洛接替他的父亲在1995年的主席。Van Andel succeeded his father as chairman in 1995.

我办公室中的任何一个人都可以接替你的经理职务。Any one could supersede you as manager in my office.

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他被迫退休,由一位年轻姑娘接替其职务。He was pensioned off and replaced with a young girl.

他被迫退休,由一年轻人接替其职务。He was pensioned off and replaced with a younger man.

比尔博接替了,我们接受到一个新任务,时间是两星期。Bilbo , and to put in for a retrofit within two weeks.