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多层次植物群落。Multi-tier plant community.

澎湖群岛之植物群落与植物区系。The vegetation and flora of the Pescadore Islands.

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澎湖群岛之植物群落与植物区系。Title The vegetation and flora of the Pescadore Islands.

水沼泽植物群落的优势度指数大于丘状沼泽。Simpson index of aquatic swamp is higher than mound swamp.

园林植物群落外貌四季变化不明显。Seasonal changes of landscape plant community are not obvious.

盖度或者覆盖度是植物群落结构的一个重要数量指标。Coverage is an important quantitative index for plant community structure.

通过植物群落的种植设计,追求良好的生态环境。The plant communities and design are used for better ecological environment.

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银杉林是当今举世瞩目的第三纪残遗植物群落。Cathaya argyrophylla forest is a famous Tertiary relict phytocommunity-in the world.

纽约市的天台蜂巢帮助城市花园和中央公园的植物群落得以繁荣兴旺。Rooftop beehives in New York City help urban gardens and Central Park foliage flourish.

而Simpson优势度指数和Pielou均匀度指数较土著植物群落中高。Moreover, Pielou evenness index was higher than that in the two native plant communities.

杰里•格洛弗说现在是时候让自然植物群落回归掌控我们的土地。Jerry Glover says it is time to put natural plant communities back in control of our land.

应用冗余理论探讨植物群落的稳定性机理。The mechanism of phytocoenosium stability could be interpreted with the redundancy theory.

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芦苇群落分布广泛,面积最大,是白洋淀的景观植物群落。The Phragmites communis community is landscape plant community and have wide distributions.

可为人工草地植物群落建植与管理提供科学依据。This paper provided a scientific bases for the construction and management of sown pastures.

这也体现了林盘植物群落结构以“乔草”复层模式为主。The results show that tree-herb structure is the main component of plant communities in Linpan.

随后融解的冰层减少了海水的咸度,使浮游植物群落大量生长。The consequent melting ice decreased water salinity and sparked an intense bloom of phytoplankton.

本论文通过对南友高速公路K93K154路段边坡绿化植物群落进行了调查研究。The thesis of Nanyou highway slope greening plants communities in section K93K154 are investigated.

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是固沙植物群落中分布最广泛的优势种。The subshrub Artemisia ordosica is the most extensive dominant species of sand-fixing plant community.

种间联结分析是研究植物群落演替的一种有效方法。Interspecific association analysis is an efficient method to study the succession of plant communities.

植被类型主要有次生林常绿阔叶林、灌丛群落和海边沙滩植物群落以及人工林等。The vegetation types on this island are secondary broad-leaved forest, shurbland, and beach vegetation.