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促成了五四文学革命。Help realize the May 4th literature revolution.

这是对五四文学革命的一次再革命。This is a re-revolution in literary revolution.

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于是他们高举起“人的解放”、“妇女的解放”的大旗,倡扬文学革命。Hence, they raise the revolution to promote the Literature Revolution.

进化论文学观是文学革命的理论基石。Evolutionary literary viewpoint is the cornerstone of the literary revolution.

乡土文学是中国“五四”文学革命后形成的最早的文学流派。Country literature is the earliest school of literature in China after "May 4th" literature revolution.

在此背景下生成的“文学革命”概念,展现了术语复杂的思想文化内涵。In the background of the age, the formation of "Literature Revolution" showed the complicated cultural connotation.

那难道不就是我们所发现的,从一个世界观所被反映的生命实存,在被表达作为哥白尼的地球绕着太阳旋转的天文学革命?Isn't that what we find in that which, being reflected in a world view, was enunciated as the Copernican revolution?

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五四文学革命是新文化运动的一个部分,与中国现代政治、经济和社会变迁有着密切联系。May-4th literature, part of new culture, is closely related to China's modern politics, economy and social evolution.

恽铁樵等对当时小说创作状况的创新和认识成为五四新文学革命的前奏。Their creation and cognition of the novel's writing conditions makes the preclude of May-4th New Literature Revolution.

启蒙文学的建构与解构,即从文学革命到革命文学的转向。The construction and structure of enlightening literature reflects the shift from literary revolution to revolutionary literature.

20世纪初涌动的文学“浙江潮”对“五四”文学革命起了领军的作用。The literary movement of "Zhejiang Tide"starting in early 20th century played a leading role in the "May 4 th"literary revolution.

胡适是五四新文化运动的旗手,他倡导文学革命,号召民众用白话文进行创作。Hu Shi is the leader of the new cultural movement, he advocated the literary revolution and called people to write in colloquialism.

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乔伊斯不仅代表了现代主义文学最高成就,而且也已成为这场举世瞩目的文学革命的象征。Joyce not only represented the highest achievements in modern literature, but also became the outstanding symbol of literary revolution.

他在文学革命中的尴尬,是社会转型时期一代进步知识分子复杂心理的反映。The dilemma in literary innovation was the reflection of complicated psychology of advanced intellects in the period of social transition.

以文学革命的发难文章为标志,正式宣告了中国古典文学理论的终结和现代文学理论的兴起。The revolting articles in literary revolution declared the expiry of Chinese classic literary theory and the rise of modern literary theory.

在新文学建构的过程中,中间姿态的期刊是文学革命忠实的、坚韧的延续者。In constructing of modern literature, the periodicals with middle attitude are faithful, tough and resilient carriers of literature revolution.

他在清末所从事的这些文化学术活动,为他后来参加文学革命奠定了基础。These cultural and academic activities of him at the end of the Qing Dynasty paved the way for his later participating in the literary revolution.

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文学革命后,口语入诗、诗歌散文化的追求曾导致“诗文合一”、诗文不分的倾向。After the Literary Revolution, the pursuit of writing poems in vernacular Chinese and in the form of prose triggered a tendency to diffuse poetry with prose.

20世纪中国文学革命的内在动力是文学现代性、政治现代性和经济现代性的冲突。The internal driving force of the revolution in the Chinese literature of the 20 th century is the conflict of the literary, political and economic modernity.

这从一个侧面说明,清末的白话文运动是五四文学革命的前奏。Therefore, it can be explained from another aspect that the vernacular movement at the end of the Qing Dynasty was the prelude of the May 4th literary revolution.