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此外,笔者还对酌定量刑情节的功能进行了介绍。Also, the writer introduces the function of discretionary circumstances of sentencing.

这样可以避免审判人员适用酌定量刑情节随意性。This applies to the discretion of sentencing judges to avoid arbitrariness in the plot.

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因此,将酌定从重量刑情节作为量刑因素是错误的、有害的。Therefore, it is wrong and harmful to take the discretionary heavier circumstances of sentencing.

至于薪水,请你们酌定。目前本人月薪2000元。红利另计。As regards salary, I would leave that to you. My present salary is 2000 yuan per month plus bonus.

文章的第三部分是对酌定量刑情节适用问题的探讨。The third part of the paper studies the same problems in the discretionary circumstances of sentencing.

第二部分阐述了酌定不起诉制度的基础和价值。In the second part, the litigation value and theory basis of discretional non-prosecution was discussed.

我国酌定不起诉制度在保护被害人权利方面的现状和不足。This part puts forward the defects of discretionary non-prosecution from legislative and judicial aspects.

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并且对酌定量刑情节未来的发展提出了若干构想。And at the discretion of the sentencing of the circumstances in the future development of a number of ideas.

笔者期望上述努力能有益于我国酌定不起诉制度之完善。The author expects that above-mentioned effort can benefit the consummation of non-prosecution in our country.

第三章主要探讨酌定量刑情节法定化的目的。The third chapter mainly discusses purposes of the legislation of the discretionary circumstances of sentencing.

第四章论述了酌定量刑情节法定化的具体种类和实现方式。The fourth chapter discusses the species and realization of the legislation of the discretionary circumstances of sentencing.

通过对国外不起诉裁量过程中被害人权利保护的考察,以期能对我国酌定不起诉中被害人权利保护提供相应借鉴。The fourth part is devoted to the suggestions on the protection of victim's procedural rights in discretionary non-prosecution.

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各人要随本心所酌定的,不要作难,不要勉强,因为捐得乐意的人是神所喜爱的。Each man should give what he has decided in his heartto give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerfulgiver.

各人要随本心所酌定的.不要作难、不要勉强.因为捐得乐意的人、是神所喜爱的。Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

理性的有限性和经验的重要性是酌定不起诉制度的哲学基础。The rational finiteness and the importance of the experience are the philosophy foundation of the discretional non-prosecution system.

便宜主义、诉讼经济和公共利益是酌定不起诉制度的法理基础。The convenient principle, the economic litigation and the public interest are the legal foundation of the discretional non-prosecution system.

我国立法有关酌定不起诉的规定,赋予了检察机关有限的不起诉裁量权,同时也意味着对起诉便宜主义积极价值的肯认。Our country's legislation has granted the prosecutor limited Non pros Discretion, meaning the acceptance of the merit of opportunism principle.

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在立法时,将一些在理论界一致认可的、司法实践中经常运用的酌定量刑予以法定化。In the legislation, will be unanimously endorsed some theoretical circles, the judicial practice frequently used to be statutory sentencing discretion.

第一部分对不起诉裁量权、酌定不起诉的概念及理论基础等方面进行了初步分析研究。In the first part, there is a preliminary analysis on the concept and theoretical basis of non-prosecution discretion and the discretional non-prosecution.

酌定不起诉制度的产生、发展在法律史上是一种必然现象,有着深厚的理论基础。The produce and the development of the discretional non-prosecution that has the profound theoretical basis in the legal history is an inevitable phenomenon.