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这艘船的排水量为两万吨。The ship displaces 20, 000tons.

它有62立方英寸排水量。It has a 62 cubic inch displacement.

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日本这有两艘排水量一万八千吨的突击舰,另外还有一艘在建。Japan's got two 18,000-ton assault ships, plus another on the way.

日本这有两艘排水量一万八千吨的攻击舰,另外还有一艘在建。Japan’s got two 18, 000-ton assault ships, plus another on the way.

排水量高达33000吨的瓦良格号曾是前苏联的多功能航空母舰。The 33, 000-ton Varyag was designed as a Soviet multi-role aircraft carrier.

巴拿马运河当初设计要一年有8千万吨排水量,而今天每年有2.3亿吨船舶经过它。It was designed for 80 million tons of shipping a year, yet today 230 million tons pass along it.

我们不说船的重量为多少千吨,而说船的排水量是多少吨位。Instead of saying the ship's weight is so many thousand tons , we say its displacement is that many tons.

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分析了从满库至空库过程中水头、排水量和蓄水排放变化情况。The change of water head, discharge, discharge proportion of storage from reservoir full to empty were analyzed.

所以锻钢阀门要根据工作压差来选择水力控制阀的排水量。Therefore, according Chemical pumps to the work of the hydraulic pressure control valve to select the displacement.

采用较小主尺度的后侧体,在侧体排水量下降很可观的情况下,GZ曲线下降并不剧烈。If the smaller aft sponson is applied with displacement reduced considerably, the GZ curve does not decrease intensely.

马汉级是法拉格特级的进一步发展,她有着更大的排水量,更多的鱼雷发射管。The Mahan was a further development of the Farragut class. She had bigger displacement and an additional torpedo launcher.

随着岩溶矿山开拓面的不断延深和排水量的不断增大,地下水位将持续下降。As the exploitation level extends down and the drainage increases in karst mine, the groundwater level descends continuously.

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基于它的研究,708所为改良性能把标准排水量增加到1,800吨。Based on its studies, 708 Institute suggested to increase the standard displacement to 1,800 tonnes for improved performance.

而美国的海军力量约有285艘战舰,其中又11艘航空母舰的排水量要比排水量为65000吨的“瓦雅格”号高出三分之一。That compares with about 285 U.S. ships, including 11 aircraft carriers displacing about one-third more than the 65, 000-ton Varyag.

通常排水量在100,000和400,000吨之间的,用于运输大量石油和其它液体的十分巨大的船只。A very large ship, usually between 100,000 and 400,000 displacement tons, used for transporting oil and other liquids in large quantities.

对于给定的河道几何形状、坡度、粗糙度以及规定排水量,均匀稳流中出现唯一深度值。For a given channel geometry slope and roughness and a specified value of discharge a unique value of depth occurs in steady uniform flow.

基于一种商用油轮设计,“青海湖”号是PLA海军服役中最大的舰船,具有37,000吨满载排水量。Based on a merchant tanker design, Qinghaihu is the largest vessel in service with the PLA Navy, with a full displacement of 37,000 tonnes.

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峰峰煤田矿井排水量大,大量矿井排水不仅造成水资源的严重浪费,而且污染环境,另一方面,该区工农业用水又十分紧缺。There is a massive drainage in Fengfeng coal field, which not only causes the serious waste of water resources, but also environmental pollution.

“海洋魅力号”长361米,排水量达22.5万吨,共有16层甲板和2700个客舱,可搭载6400名游客和2200名船员。Allure of the Seas is 361 meters long, has the gross tonnage of 225, 000, 2700 staterooms, 16 decks and can accommodate about 6400 guests and a crew of 2200.

“圣乔治”号战略核潜艇于1980年开始在俄海军服役,排水量为1.3万吨,最高航速24节,载有130人。"St. George" was started in 1980, strategic nuclear submarines in the Russian Navy, a displacement of 1.3 million tons, maximum speed 24, carrying 130 people.