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蝗虫敢死队。Kamikaze locust.

敢死队对逊尼派的杀戮会增加。Death-squad killings of Sunnis would rise.

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在下面的丛林里,诺姆看着她敢死队般地狂冲IN THE JUNGLE BELOW, Norm watches her kamikaze run

为什么神风敢死队的日本飞行员都要戴头盔?。Why did the Japanese kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

兰迪·科裘饰演托尔·罗德,敢死队员,爆破专家。Randy Couture as Toll Road, an Expendable and demolitions expert.

这取决于你采取的作用,整个捉鬼敢死队队。It's up to you to take on the role of the entire Ghostbusters team.

海地有着暴力的历史,敢死队都带着大砍刀。Haiti has a history of violence, with death squads bearing machetes.

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下面是5部使得米基·洛克够格成为敢死队的影片。Here are the top 5 movies we feel qualify Mickey Rourke to be an Expendable.

但这位年轻的神风敢死队队员在给祖父母最后的信中充满了勇气。But the young kamikaze's final letter to his grandparents was full of bravado.

所以,说得干脆些,我会向你展示李连杰的10大电影来明示为什么他够班成为一名“敢死队”。So, without further ado, I give you our top 10 movies that qualify Jet Li to be an Expendable.

西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰演巴尼·罗斯,又被称作变态佬,老练的敢死队员也是队长。Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross aka The Schizo, a veteran Expendable and leader of the team.

北卡罗来纳州贝弗利政府敢死队称自从1984年起,此次龙卷风来袭次数最多。North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue said the number of tornadoes was the highest since 1984.

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下面,我们列出了5部最能使得艾瑞克·罗伯茨成为一名敢死队的影片。We compiled a list of our top 5 films that we believe qualify Eric Roberts to be in The Expendables

得克萨斯州艾尔帕索的敢死队成员曼迪、雷巴、噜噜、莱辛以及昆汀欢聚一堂歌颂美国。Diehard activists Mandy, Reba, LuLu, Raisin, and Quentin of El Paso, Texas unite to celebrate America.

阿明·约瑟夫与森尼沃·阿莫库饰演与敢死队交锋的索马里海盗小队队长。Amin Joseph and Senyo Amoaku as the leaders of a group of Somali pirates that challenge the Expendables.

现在是“敢死队特别栏目”的第四天了,我们还要来谈谈最后两位猛人。It's day 4 of ‘Expendables’ week here at Screen Rant and there are only two badasses left to talk about.

特里·克鲁斯饰演霍尔·凯撒,非洲后裔美国敢死队员,邵宝最好的朋友,武器专家。Terry Crews as Hale Caesar, an African-American Expendable and Bao's best friend, also a weapons specialist.

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埃里克·罗伯茨饰演门罗,腐化的中情局特工,负责阻止敢死队杀死加尔扎将军。Eric Roberts as Monroe, a corrupt C. I. A. agent who is preventing the Expendables from killing General Garza.

他们常常无视或低估啦日本地残剩抵御力气,特别是恐怖地神风敢死队。They tend to ignore or underestimate Japan's remaining power of resistance, especially the terrifying kamikazes.

这可能使消灭火灾的电魔杖装到一个手持式的电源组上,甚至是装到捉鬼敢死队型式的背包上。This could lead to fire-zapping electro-wands attached to handheld power packs or even Ghostbusters-style backpacks.