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处理这类突发事件的排头兵就是戴维斯。A point man for dealing with the fast-changing events is Mr.

今年,青年成了追求自由的排头兵。This year, young people have been on the frontlines for freedom.

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他扮演的托马斯是导演阿伦诺夫斯基恐怖队伍里的排头兵,虽然他远非恐惧的唯一来源。Thomas is Mr. Aronofsky's point man for horror, though far from its only source.

江苏和北京将成为排头兵。Jiangsu Province and Beijing will be the pacesetters, according to CCID Consulting.

1920年代的春晖中学,是浙江新潮私立学校的排头兵。Chunhui Middle School in the 1920s, is the famous private schools in Zhejiang province.

成就璀璨的修艾尔是科学界最早一批的伟大排头兵及布道者之一。Whewell’s legacy was to be one of the first great pioneers and popularisers of science.

他是大英帝国的排头兵,是蒸汽机、纺织机、和大不列颠舰队的头面人物。He is the point man of an empire, the face of steam power, spinning jennies, and the British fleet.

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西南铝作为国内行业和中铝公司铝加工的排头兵企业,已经制定了五大战略。SWA as the head of aluminum fabrication enterprise in domestic profession and CHAC has made 5 great strategies.

派出所作为公安机关的排头兵,其工作与群众利益紧密相关。As pioneer of public security organs, the operation of police substations is closely associated with mass' benefits.

那各行各业的排头兵,正是我们这个时代的无名英雄,正是中华民族的中流砥柱!That the vanguard of all walks of life, is the unsung heroes of our times, it is the backbone of the Chinese nation!

凯特米迪历来一直处在保健和美容业的研究开发的排头兵地位。Cat Media has always focussed on staying at the cutting edge of research and development in the health and beauty world.

他表示,淮南矿业集团是“排头兵”,在许多方面走在了全国煤炭行业前列。He said that the Huainan Mining Group is the "pioneer" in many ways, walking in the forefront of the national coal industry.

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北京万通是“新住宅运动”的主要发起单位之一,是北京房地产开发领域的排头兵。Beijing Wan Tong is one of the initiate unit that launching ‘New housing Campaign’ thus serving as pioneer of Beijing’s real estate field.

沃兰达相当于美国版的丰田普锐斯,这是一款汽油-电动混合动力车,,也是美国生产商在自己地盘上引领汽车行业前进的排头兵。The Volt is the U.S. alternative to the Toyota Prius, a petrol-electric hybrid that is spearheading a cultural sea change on its home turf.

在俾斯麦式强大中央集权之下,这两个国家仅用了不到三十年就成为了工业化的排头兵。Both countries advanced into the frontiers of industrialization in less than 30 years because of Bismark's strong central government policies.

县域普通高中是我国高中阶段教育的重要组成部分,由于众所周知的原因,在过去的几十年中,县域普通高中在一定程度上成了片面追求高考升学率的“排头兵”。As is known to all, the county high school to a certain extent, pursuits one-sided for the higher entrance chances to the university education.

他接见了那些商界领袖,并赞扬他们是“看到我们的经济巨大问题的排头兵。He had pulled in those business leaders and hailed them for being on the "front lines in seeing the enormous problems in our economy right now."

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经济特区、上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区要继续当好改革开放排头兵。Special economic zones, the Pudong New Area in Shanghai and the Binhai New Area in Tianjin need to continue to take the lead in reform and opening up.

作为中国工业排头兵的中国石油集团,在石油行业1998年和1999年两次大规模重组后,生产经营情况发生了巨大的变化。As the front-runner of Chinese industry, CNPC experience two big restructures in 1998 and in 1999, and the operational conditionhas change dramatically.

公司各项经济指标连续十年居全国同行首位,是国家级高新技术企业、中国工业行业排头兵企业。All economic indexes keep top one in ten years. Wolong Electric group is a national high-new technology enterprise and pioneer in Chinese industry field.