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我喜欢这个头衔。I like the title.

我只是希望再有伯爵的头衔!If I only had the barony!

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这个职务的头衔是什么?What title with the position have?

人们通过我的头衔认识我。People have known me by many titles.

冠军头衔便是我们在这里的追求。Titles are what we are all here for.

将军的头衔对维利和乔毫无用处。Wille and Joe had no use for generals.

侯爵是欧洲的一种贵族头衔Marquis is a European title of nobility

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大副是低于船长的一个头衔。The mate is one rank below the captain.

拥有经理级头衔等同于领导力。A management title is equal to leadership.

也可以通过出售贵族头衔来赚钱Or to make money you'll sell noble titles.

什么时候可以使用FRM头衔?When can I begin using my FRM Designation?

普克托尼克菲尔有个令令人敬畏的头衔Punxsutawney Phil has an awesome full title

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博洛唯恐别人不知道他的头衔。Bolo afraid of people not knowing his title.

现在我想要更多的冠军头衔,多多益善。Now I want other titles, as many as possible.

据我所知,他起码有四个挂名头衔。He had lined up four sinecures that I knew of.

不再有什么头衔,连姓也没有了。No titles. Even family names have disappeared.

她在21岁的时候首次摘取了“选美皇后”头衔。She took her first beauty title when she's 21.

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朝鲜则不大可能混到一个共同体创始国的头衔。North Korea is unlikely to be a founder member.

你以优秀毕业生的头衔高中毕业。You graduated from high school as valedictorian.

在商务礼仪中,职位头衔要比性别更为重要。Business etiquette is based on position not gender.