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这里是抗日战争暴发的地方。It is where Fighting Japaness War brouk out.

没有关于家猫暴发疫情的报告。No outbreaks in domestic cats have been reported.

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最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most le al complication is fulminating colitis.

最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most lethal complication is fulminating colitis.

这些病症与虫媒病毒暴发相一致。These signs are consistent with an arbovirus outbreak.

肠道传染病暴发病种以细菌性痢疾多见。Bacillary dysentery was more often seen in the outbreak.

据认为,两省的暴发均始于1月中旬。Both outbreaks are thought to have begun in mid-January.

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但从那时开始,加拉瓦人就一直饱受麻疹暴发的困扰。Since then they've been wracked by outbreaks of measles.

急性暴发型病例虽报道不多。Although acute explodes the case the report not to be many.

暴发最常发生在夏季和初秋。The outbreaks occur most often in the summer and early fall.

我们必须作好准备,对遏制任何暴发作出迅速反应。We must be ready to respond quickly to contain any outbreak.

但是这与世界上最严重的疾病大暴发相比还不算什么。But it is far from the world's most serious disease outbreak.

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霍乱暴发是由霍乱弧菌引起的。Cholera outbreaks are caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

暴发也似乎正在向其它行政区扩散。The outbreak appears to be extending to other regions as well.

没有证据显示在城市地区暴发裂谷热。There has been no evidence of outbreaks of RVF in urban areas.

非免疫个体的累积导致了此次麻疹暴发。An accumulation of non-immune individuals led to this outbreak.

急性肝衰竭的另一种类型是暴发性肝衰竭。Another term for acute liver failure is fulminant hepatic failure.

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印度在2006年和2007年曾暴发大规模基孔肯雅热。A large outbreak of chikungunya in India occurred in 2006 and 2007.

目前已知有11个省受到此次暴发的影响。Currently, 11 governorates are known to be affected by the outbreak.

水源污染是菌痢暴发流行的主要因素。And water source contamination was a key factor in dysentery outbreak.