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一时间出现了令人尴尬的冷场。There is an awkward pause.

6月1日,让全国的肯德基冷场!May 1, the country's Carrefour cold field!

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他停顿了一下,让冷场持续了好一会儿。He paused and let the silenceaccumulate for a while.

他对我们说了一个有趣的故事来打破冷场。E. g. He told us an interesting story to break the ice.

总统问我是否喜欢纽约而打破了冷场的局面。The President broke the ice by asking me whether I liked New York.

他的发言不仅大破了冷场,而且引起了大家的兴趣。His remark not only broke the ice , but aroused everyone's interest.

为打破冷场的局面,萨拉首先提了一个问题,很快大家都参加了讨论。To break the ice, Sara asked a question and soon everyone joined in the discussion.

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与忍受冷场相比,大多数人都更乐意听你说话,随便什么话题都成。Most people would rather listen to you talk about anything than listen to an awkward silence.

有时候最好的办法来打破冷场就是与你所喜欢的人和他们完成一个接吻比赛。Sometimes the best way to break the ice with someone you like is to draw them into a kissing game.

请演员脱稿表演以义大利语排演整部戏剧,避免冷场,让演员们即场思考、反应及表演。Italian Run Through, to reduce dead air, and make the actors think and react and act on their feet.

这种冷场会是你看上去有些蠢,有些心不在焉,似乎与对方无话可说。This will be your cold market may seem silly, some absent-minded, it seems that with each other to say.

第三点留给我印象最深的是晚会高潮过后所谓的“冷场”。The third point I left the deepest impression is the climax of the evening after the so-called "awkward."

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以下是避免你的提问遇到冷场的10个步骤。Here are the 10 steps for asking questions in a presentation which will help you avoid being left hanging.

那么你该如何和初次见面的人开始一场有意义的交谈,而且避免尴尬和冷场呢?So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward moments of silence?

各位此行会看到这里丰富多姿的生活,就像港产功夫电影一样,动感十足,绝无冷场。During your stay, you'll have a chance to see that life here is almost as action-packed as a made-in-Hong Kong kungfu movie.

比如,血腥复仇的咆哮声在聚会上很适合用来打破冷场。而迅捷的移动让你可以立刻前往餐桌前线。For example screaming blood fury is great ice-breaker at parties. and fast movement good for getting to front of buffet line.

在这个过程中,如果你介绍的双方在互相认识之后陷入冷场,你要尽量帮助他们找到话题。Try to help initiate their conversation if they both seem unable to pick up the threads and converse after your introduction.

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比如,血腥复仇的咆哮声在聚会上很适合用来打破冷场。而迅捷的移动让你可以立刻前往餐桌前线。For example, screaming blood fury is great ice-breaker at parties. And fast movement good for getting to front of buffet line.

在理想的情况下,你可以避免涉及无聊的话题,但是如果你想不出什么别的话来,那就用它们吧,以免冷场。Ideally you can avoid boring topics, but if you can't think of anything else to say, then go with them as opposed to be quiet.

被评为最佳歌曲的很少冷场,被评为最差的也很少红火。但是,出现其他的结果也并非不可能。The songs rated as the best rarely did poorly, and those rated as the worst rarely did well, but any other result was possible.