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他们确乎是老朋友。They talked as old friends.

这确乎是很难见过或想到的场景。This is very difficult indeed be seen or thought of the scene.

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南开能够顺利开展边疆研究计划,确乎是个机缘。Nankai can smoothly carry out frontier research projects, to indeed be a luck.

与任何一场高手过招一样,事情确乎是发生在转瞬之间。Come to grips with any superior similar, affair indeed is an occurrence in a wink.

微风起来,吹动她的短发,确乎比去年白得多了。A breeze came to her and touched her short hair, which seemed more grey than last year.

然而,在几乎所有的经典作品中,确乎都能寻到一些有关治国之道的基本原则。But admirable underlying principles of statecraft can be found in nearly all classic texts.

朱诺怀疑这母牛的形体里隐藏着一个人间美女的身躯,她的猜测确乎合理。Juno suspected with reason that the heifer's form concealed some fair nymph of mortal mold.

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微风起来,吹动他短发,确乎比去年白得多了。A breeze sprang up and stirred her short hair, which was certainly whiter than the previous year.

有时,是否应该对特定的病例给予中间性的称谓,确乎是看法不同的问题。Sometimes, it is a matter of opinion whether the term " intersex " should be applied to a particular case.

如果人人都以获得了不可剥夺的权利而达到了完好状态,确乎是一个极大的误解。It would certainly be a grave misunderstanding if everyone felt entitled to well-being as an " unalienable right".

他确乎有一种吸引力,似乎是羞怯、个人的魅力和领袖的自信的奇怪混合的产物。A certain magnetism about him seemed to derive from a combination of shyness, personal charm and assurance of command.

数字时代编辑出版专业人才培养模式,确乎是一个值得深入探索的问题。It is a worthwhile problem for us to discuss how to develop the editing and publishing professionals in the digital era.

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老实说起来,这种事情确乎是一种很不愉快的纠葛,象他那样身分和财产的男子实在不应该牵涉在内的。It was a disagreeable tangle, to be sure, something that a man of his position and wealth really ought not to have anything to do with.

受全球化浪潮的冲击,国家确乎在某些方面有所退却,而社会则借势获得新生。Affected by the impact of globalization, countries really have subsided in some areas, and community are borrowing strength for its rebirth.

因此,尽管现在这是一本广受欢迎的书,但它历史上确乎,在欧洲遭遇过禁止,并且在美国也是非常有争议的。So, it was a very popular book in the U.S., but it did have this history of being banned in Europe, and it was certainly controversial here.

假如我所作的任何一个推论都正象任何另一个推论是一样地好,那末柏拉图从普罗泰戈拉那里所推演出来的知识的无政府状态,事实上就确乎要出现了。If any inference that I happen to draw is just as good as any other, then the intellectual anarchy that Plato deduces from Protagoras does in fact follow.

虽然事业确乎在走下坡路,但威利还有一份干了38年的工作,还有自己的房子——他刚刚还清最后一笔抵押贷款——还有妻子和两个孩子。Sure, his career was ebbing, but Willy kept a job for 38 years, he owned his house—he had just made the last mortgage payment—and had a wife and two children.

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后来选用青膏泥作为前段下层的封堵材料也十分高明,而且所用的青膏泥之多、夯层之厚,确乎超出想象。Green paste mud subsequently chosen as the previous lower block is also very smart materials and used soil as green paste, drive piles layer of thick, really beyond imagination.

他看她以前的行为,确乎从来不曾露过忘恩负义的形迹,而且正相反,她好象是知恩感德的,但如今这事败露,他就认为是她忘恩负义的强有力的证据,因而不免对她怀恨了。It is true that she had not exhibited it in any other way before— quite to the contrary—but nevertheless he saw strong evidences of it now, and it made him very bitter in his feeling toward her.

这些分寸驱动确乎践的利用,与一个尤其的实践最小集慷慨的一体化在同时,使得XP成为一个处理当代软件开提问题的新计划。The principles driving the use of these practices, along with the integrative nature of using a specific minimal set of practices, make XP a novel solution to modern software development problems.