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大牛,这里就是殷墟文物的博物馆。Daniel, here we are at the Museum of Yin Ruins.

殷墟啊就是指商朝都城的遗址。It means the ruins of the Shang Dynasty's capital.

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那好,明天就带你去殷墟的碑林看看。OK, I'll take you to the stele forest at the Yin Ruins tomorrow.

作为盛极一时的都邑,殷墟地下文物遗迹十分丰富。As a once thriving capital, Yinxu is rich in archeological relics.

我发现这殷墟博物苑里的好东西太多了。I find there are so many interesting things in the Museum of Yin Ruins.

中心小学每年都会组织学生到殷墟参观。The central elementary school will organize its students to visit the Yin ruins.

对殷墟遗址性质的准确把握是研究其规划布局特点的前提。Judging the quality of Yin Ruins correctly is the premise to research its layout.

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车马器实物是1931年在殷墟考古中首次发现的。Chariot horses and implements were first discovered during excavation at Yinxu in 1931.

殷墟科学发掘80年来,殷墟文化经历了重构、再现辉煌和全面弘扬几个阶段。The culture of Yin Ruin has experienced three phases since its excavation 80 years ago, viz.

遗存面貌和安阳地区的殷墟文化别无二致。Features on this site have similar characteristics as the Yinxu Cultures in the Anyang region.

分析了殷墟甲骨病变的种类,并结合实际对其进行系统处理和保护。Some oracle bones from Yin Ruins collected by Henan Museum have taken place pathological changes.

殷墟卜辞中普遍存在兼类词现象,“雨”是典型的动名兼类词。Transmutation of the parts of speech existed general ly in oracle bone inscriptions of Yin Ruins.

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殷墟,一部精彩的地书,一段永恒的历史。Like an enlightening book beneath the ground . Yinxu represents a history of human cultural development.

彦堂先生的甲骨文断代研究在1928年第一次试掘殷墟甲骨文时就已酝酿。Mr. Yin Tong Oracle dating research in 1928, when the first test dig Yin Ruins, Oracle had been brewing.

殷墟晚期虽食器比例有所增加,但重酒之风仍没有质的变化。Though the eating bronze wares were increasing, yet the phenomenon of thinking highly of wire did not change.

殷墟卜辞曾多次记载殷人祭祀滳水、洹水。The Oracle inscriptions discovered in Yin Remains have records of Yin people worshiping Shang and Huan Rivers.

安阳殷墟一直被视为盘庚以来商代殷都的所在地。The Yin ruins of An Yang city has long been considered to be the capital of Shang Dynasty since Pan Geng's rein.

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在殷墟甲骨文字中,保留了一些关于上古结绳记事的信息。Some ancient information about keeping records by tying knots was retained in Yin Ruins oracle bone inscriptions.

由此可见,殷墟甲骨文的反义词已经比较发达,在此基础上,后世反义词又不断发展、丰富。On the base of the antonyms in the bones and shells inscriptions, aftertime's antonyms become developed and abundant.

文章试缀了十一组殷墟甲骨,并对相关问题作了简要的说明。In this thesis, twenty three pieces of oracle bones are divided into eleven groups, and some interpretations are made.