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每只眼睛后面有一个耳孔。Behind each eye, it has an ear hole.

青少年是不允许穿耳孔的。Teenagers --- --- to get their ears ---.

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医院里可以扎耳孔吗?Can be earhole plunged into in the hospital?

这家小店提供身体按摩和穿耳孔服务。Body massage and ear piercing are offered at the small shop.

千万不要将棉棒或其他物体放入耳孔内。You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal.

肯尼亚平脸人像黑猩猩般有一个细小的耳孔。The Kenyanthropus fossil has a small earhole , like those of chimpanzees.

我认为不应该允许12岁的孩子穿耳孔。I don't think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.

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一些人耳孔内分泌耳垢的腺体过多。The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.

使用注射器直接向耳孔壁注水。Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.

一些十几岁的男孩子把扎耳孔和染五颜六色的头发视为很酷的事情。Pierced ears and colorfully dyed hair are considered cool by some teenage boys.

有耳孔的人仍然不能参军,但耳孔已不明显者也将不受限制。Prohibitions on ear piercings will also be eliminated, as long as the holes are not too obvious.

当他警惕时,向上竖立,耳孔向前,且耳尖正好位于外眼角上方。When alert, upward standing, open to the front with tips directly above the outer corner of the eyes.

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教三年级班的老师新打穿了耳孔,学生们对着老师发起了一连穿的提问。The students in a third-grade class were bombarding their teacher with questions about her newly pierced ears.

此外,凸耳孔壁表面的加工缺陷也是降低凸耳疲劳寿命的一个重要因素。In addition, another important factor of decreasing lives of lugs is machining defects in hole wall surfaces of lugs.

画中的耳饰也暗示某些时髦的东西,就像穿耳孔在五十年代是不去做的事情。The earring in the picture suggests something modern, as piercing was this is something that was not done in the fifties.

轻轻地将耳廓向上拉直,使用注射器直接向耳孔壁注水。Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal. Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.

身体细长,四肢退化,无足、无可活动的眼睑,无耳孔,无四肢,无前肢带,身体表面覆盖有鳞。Slender body, reduced limbs, without foot, no movable eyelids, no ears, no limbs, with no forelimbs, body covered with scales.

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用你的指尖在他的右耳垂上画圆,再对着他的耳孔吹口气,让他产生一股酥麻的快感。The finger tip that uses you draws a circle on his right earlobe, play a note to his earhole again, let him produce the pleasure of a limp and numb.

这个男人,身上有纹身,好几处耳孔,却在有了这个小天使后,令人难以置信变成了贤淑的奶爸。The guy here , do you believe that with tattoos on body with more ear piercings, but just totally changed to a family nanny after having this little lady.

用几分钟的时间关注于太阳穴,让它们从眼睛的外眼角到双耳的耳孔处完全地放松。Spend a few moments focusing on the temples and allowing them to release completely from the outermost corners of the eyes towards the opening of the ears.