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从遇火的惨状命运中解救。The horror of that fate.

他们把他从死亡线上解救出来。They delivered him from death.

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你为什么帮我解救艾里斯?Why did you help me free Iris?

我们把他从敌人手中解救出来。We delivered him from the enemy.

英勇的胖达要如何解救皮嘎呢?How will brave Ponda rescue Piga?

美国解救了西班牙的忠诚党America save the Spanish Loyalists

带著这些,并请你解救露希雅。Please take these, and save Lucia.

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把尼罗河从希腊的束缚中解救出来!Free the Nile from the Grecian yoke!

即使我们能做到,我们真想解救经济吗?Do we want to save it, even if we can?

他们是唯一能解救我们脱难之人。They're the only ones who can save us.

政府需要把我们从这堆烂泥中解救出去。Government is needed to get us out of it.

我的妻子打电话给我们的女婿,叫他来解救我们。My wife called our son-in-law to rescue us.

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或者,还有那种明明可以把大家都解救出来,却始终不肯多出一分力的员工。Or perhaps it’s the employee who refuses to

高唱啊高唱,上帝解救国王!Holler boys, holler boys, God Save the King!

在涨潮的帮助下,他们得以解救了46头巨头鲸。By high tide, they managed to save 46 whales.

士兵把小男孩从洪水中解救了出来。The solider delivered the boy from the flood.

为了解救马汉,我们做了最大的努力。We redouble our efforts for Manhan's release.

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克里普克似乎将他们从这一困境中解救了出来。Kripke seemed to relieve them of this dilemma.

可是有谁,会把你从你的自我束缚中解救?But who from thy self-chain shall set thee free?

印度警察冲进那所房子,解救了努斯。Indian police broke into the house and freed Nuss.