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在最近输给他们的2场比赛中,他们杀的我们片甲不留。The last 2 lost against them they blew us out.

你残忍杀了我的温柔,我不能让你杀的片甲不留。You are cruel to kill me, I can't let you kill be completely routed.

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对抗爵士,在他们的主场,我们是少数能杀的他们片甲不留的球队之一。Against the Jazz, we're one of few teams that blew them out at their court.

一切就绪,你西装穿好了,我胡子刮完了。我们去杀他个片甲不留。All right, you're suited up, I'm bearded down. Let's get out there and win this thing.

毕竟,火箭队是一支善于主场作战的球队,同时也是今年,唯一能够杀得爵士片甲不留的球队。Afterall, the rockets are a good home team, and is the only team that blew UTAH out this year.

曼联杀得罗马片甲不留进入了冠军联盟半决赛并保住了重演1999年三冠王的机会。Amazing United ripped Roma apart to roar into the Champions League semi-finals and stay on track to repeat the 1999 Treble.

但那个时候吴邪和张起灵并不知道这件事。这也是为什么他们几乎被坟墓中遭遇的那次突然袭囘击杀的几乎片甲不留。However, Naivete and Kylin did not know about it at that time. That was why they were nearly killed by the surprise attack in that tomb.

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长期以来,海员归来时,都会带来海洋骤然出现,所到之处片甲不留的故事---然而经常被当作是虚构的不为人相信。Seafarers have long returned with tales — often dismissed as apocryphal — of the ocean abruptly reaching up and snatching at anything in its path.

过去几十年里,随着我们目睹着一个又一个的发明在突破之后接踵而至,接下来的十年,其它的一切东西都将要被杀得片甲不留。And while we have been seeing invention after breakthrough over and over in the last couple of decades, this next ten years is going to blow everything else out of the water.

去年八月,他们赢得大选,把独霸政坛半个世纪的自民党杀得片甲不留,而现在要找回那时万众一心的力量比登山还难。They face an uphill battle in regaining the momentum they had in August after winning a landslide election victory that ended a half-century of virtual one-party rule in Japan.

一旦个别员工的博客显得过与自我、随意得极不正式,而且无法得到雇主审核,那即便是最佳商业网站也会被痛打得片甲不留。Next-gen blogs by individual employees -- personal, casual, chatty, accessible, hosted but uncensored by the employer -- will soon blow even the best corporate websites out of the water.