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通过“找工作”决定你的身价Determine your value by job browsing.

骗子队丢了身价打球龌龊。Fakers lose their class and play dirty.

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身价走低好莱坞大牌明星还值多少钱?Star Salaries Coming Down in Hollywood?

常被宴请表示还有身价!Is often fete means that there are worth!

他偶尔也自贬身价接受贿赂。He occasionally condescended to take bribes.

那样做只能使你自贬身价。It's only cheapening yourself to behave like that.

高净值”名犬的身价越来越高了。The stakes for high-net-worth dogs continue to rise.

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有些曾经参加过比赛,身价昂贵。Some are costly animals that take part in competitions.

许多人都在抱怨,说这片区域在不断自降身价。Many bemoan what they see as the cheapening of the area.

他又一次成为世界上身价最高的球员。Once again he was the most expensive player in the world.

我才不会理睬他的评论以抬高他的身价。I'm not going to dignify his comments by reacting to them.

所以当我毕业的那天,我的身价是三百万美元。So the day I graduated, I was worth three million dollars.

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很明显,联合会杯上表现的使他身价倍增。Obviously, the Confederations Cup increased his quotations.

衰退令时间的身价出现了有趣的变化。The recession is doing funny things with the price of time.

政府官员爱喝拉斐尔,只是因为它的昂贵身价。Government officials want to drink it because it is expensive.

如果该消息属实,那么阿奎罗将成为曼城历史上身价最高的签约球星。If true it would make Aguero the club's most expensive signing.

你不该从现有关系状态中衡量你的自身价​​值。You should never measure your self-worth by your relationship status.

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所有产品具有相同的美食价值,不管他们的身价。All products have the same gastronomic value, regardless of their price.

我不愿在任何地方抬高自己的身价,也不要突出。I do not want to raise any place in their own worth, and do not highlight.

中超联赛刚刚公布了史上身价最高的球员。The Chinese Super League has just unveiled its most expensive player ever.