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和以前谁人我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.

和以前那个我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.

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喂,我得说,你现在完整判若两人。Well, I must say, you are looking quite a different person.

“我们都会被抓的!”托马斯大声嚷道,跟平时的他判若两人。We'll all be arrested! "Thomas yelled, which was most unlike him."

新婚丈夫与我有钱的时候相比判若两人。The new husband didn't appear to be he person that he was when I had money.

假如有人损害了你,请判若两人的仁慈美妙,好好享受享受,就像没受过伤一样。If someone hurts you, please continue good good, to enjoy life, hurt the same.

因为当今的中国与20年前的中国已判若两人,与10年前的中国也大不一样了。Because today China looks fundamentally different from 20 years ago or even 10 years ago.

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平时温文尔雅之士,一旦坐于方向盘后,可能会判若两人。People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when steering a wheel.

他看上去不仅判若两人,而且行为举止也符合他扮演的角色。Not only would he looked different but he would move and walk in a manner befitting the character.

女人经常抱怨男人家里家外判若两人,为什么他对别人彬彬有礼而对我粗鲁?Women often complain men's difference between home and outside, why he treat others very politely and rude to me?

而雷玖进入了黄三爷家中成为了扫地的下人,之前的阅历使他变得和以前判若两人。And LeiJiu entered huang SAN ye2 home became the sweeping servant here, before experience makes him and former totally.

诚心向佛的修行人,其心态与行为往往会与以前的世俗生活判若两人。Once a person turns his mind wholeheartedly toward the Dharma, his attitude and behavior will no longer be his old worldly self.

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怎么跟先前的夕阳判若两人,再凑近一看,原来是银光闪闪的月亮。How be like two different people with foregoing the setting sun, move close to again look, it is the moon that Yin Guangshan shows so.

而当裴艳玲前往杨小菊办公室取针时,却发现他与昔日那个虚伪下流的杨小菊完整是判若两人。And when PeiYanLing YangXiaoJu office to take needle, they found he and former the hypocrisy of obscene YangXiaoJu integrity is totally changed.

“你说什么?”看着她略带怒气的面容,瞪着的双眸欲出火一样,和刚才的楚楚可怜判若两人,梦雨有种不敢触犯天使的感觉。" What did you say?" look at her face with anger, staring eyes to a fire, and had a delicate and touching, a dare not offend the angel dream feeling.

纳达尔在赛场上像一头愤怒的公牛,在场下却是个羞涩的邻家男孩。这判若两人的表现让不太熟悉他的人们有些惊讶。The contrast between the raging bull that is Nadal on court and the almost sheepish boy next door still surprises those who do not follow Nadal regularly.

婷不满丰新唱片造型,提议制造家变新闻以助宣传,荣斥责,希、斯觉他跟以前判若两人。D. dissatisfaction abundant new record modelling, offer to help change production home news propaganda, honor, was reprimanded, as before, and he totally awareness.

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然而一旦下了班,他们简直判若两人,好像他们不再认识你了,将你排除在个人活动圈子之外。Then, as soon as working hours are over, their behavior seems to change. They act as if they hardly know you any more and don't even include you in any of their personal activities.

你是否在网上跟你并不认识的人关系太近?在网上表现得跟平时生活中判若两人?抑或用伊妹儿或者文本文档给人发送信息,随即成为了公共信息?Have you ever got too close to someone you didn't know online, behaved differently from how you would in real life, or sent something personal, via text or email which has become public?

那个美女服务生冷笑一声,不过她的声音和刚才判若两人,清脆娇嫩,多了几分迷人和性感。That beautiful waitress sneers at a , however her orotund and just as if I were you the same person, remove and frail and young and slight, many are attractive for several cents with sexy.