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请看一下询问笔录。Please read this record of inquiry.

记者看到张某的询问笔录。Reporter reads Zhang the inquiry record.

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以下是播音员的精准笔录。The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.

我能用英语笔录每分钟100个单词。I can take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.

案件承办人也应当在笔录上签名。The undertakers shall also sign their names on the notes.

讯问笔录和询问笔录,是公安机关经常使用的法律文书。Interrogation and interview record is a kind of legal writing.

现在此笔录已经完成,而我也将此篇补入原始的作品中。Now the transcript is ready and had been added to the original work.

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这位老妇人宁愿自己写信,而不愿口授给人笔录。The old woman prefers to write her letters rather than dictate others.

你是否把自己的课堂笔记做得像法庭笔录,并通过这些笔记来学习?Are you trying to learn, or create a courtroom transcript of the lecture?

在该笔录中,他承认了三起1989年在他的家乡路易斯安那州什里夫波特市所犯下的谋杀案。In it, he admits to three 1989 murders in his hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana.

讯问笔录是由侦查人员制作的法定诉讼文书。The record of inquires is the official litigation document made by investigators.

彼得斯警官正在迪娜.威尔森家为她车子失窃做笔录。Officer Peters is at Deana Wilson's house to take a statement about her stolen car.

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评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript.

翻译人员应当在查问、询问笔录上签字。And the interpreter shall affix his name on the transcripts of interrogation or inquiry.

法庭笔录应当交给当事人阅读或者向他宣读。The courtroom record shall be given to the parties to read or shall be read out to them.

应一名历史学家的要求,联邦法官下令将这份笔录公开。A federal judge ordered the transcript to be released after a historian requested access.

以下是法里德·扎卡利亚采访中国总理温家宝的完整文字笔录。Below is the complete transcript of Fareed Zakaria's interview with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

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贺俊峰在给钟离做笔录,他质问钟离,许正帆没有追求过她吗?He Junfeng clock is for the record, he questioned the clock away, Xu Zhengfan did not pursue her?

法庭笔录由当事人和其他诉讼参与人签名或者盖章。The court record shall be signed or sealed by the parties and other participants in the proceedings.

弟子海鹦录音并做了笔录。我已校阅并审订了此笔录。Disciple Hai Ying did the recording and the transcription. I had reviewed and revised the transcript.