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油灯把天花板熏黑了。The lamp smoked the ceiling.

那盏油灯把墙壁熏黑了。The lamp has smoked the wall.

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油灯发出柔和的光辉。The oil-lamp gives a soft glow.

这个油灯需配个新的灯罩。The oil-lamp needs a new globe.

我们又怎么能烧油灯呢?How could we burn petromax lamps?

房子点燃油灯来照明的。The house was lit with oil lamps.

油灯忽悠忽悠地,一会儿亮,一会儿灭。Thee oil-lamp flickered on and off.

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油灯发出柔和的亮光。The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.

雨水打得油灯噼啪响。The rain caused the lamp to splutter.

油灯在他桌上发出轻微的嗞嗞声。The oil lamp sizzled softly on his table.

安得森先生点亮油灯,环顾四周看了看。Anderson lit the oil-lamp and looked round.

板桌上的洋油灯只有黄豆大小的一粒光焰。A tiny flame burnt in the oil lamp on the table.

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他从桌上拿起油灯,轻轻地走上楼去。He took the lamp from the table and crept upstairs.

天渐渐黑时她点亮了油灯。She lighted up an oil lamp when it was getting dark.

夜幕降临时,僧侣们点起油灯和蜡烛,继续干活。As night fell, work went on by oil lamp and candlelight.

要使油灯燃着,我们要不断的添加灯油。To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.

光是从墙角上的一盏油灯里发出来的。The light came from a taper which was burning in one corner.

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他们自蓖麻中提炼蓖麻子油,并放在油灯里烧。They took oil from castor oil plants2 and burned it in lamps.

在农村,房屋仍然靠油灯照明。In the countryside, houses are still illuminated by oil lamps.

你一触旋钮,油灯便发出柔和的光。The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam when you touched the knob.